Delaware Liberal

Something Broke

I think that there has been a shift that may have broken many things.  I think that the whole debt deal and the recriminations have emboldened the detractors on both sides of the President.  And I think that the people that have trusted and continue to trust the President to do the right thing are going to hide in the shadows.

I got a call last night from OFA asking me to make a donation to the campaign to counter some campaign that Karl Rove is rolling out. I turned them down.  I didn’t tell them that it was because I was disappointed in the way the whole debt ceiling deal went down, but that was part of it.

But continuing to try to explain what is happening to tea partiers and hostile progressives alike is a disheartening battle.  I don’t know what will recover the spirit that moved me and others to tears on election night 2008, but I’m a Democrat, so I always have a little flame of hope.  Even if it’s hidden under a bushel.

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