CNN finds that voters’ favorable opinion of the Republican Party has swung 12 points, from 41% approving and 55% disapproving on July 20th, to 33% approving and 59% disapproving now. Meanwhile, voters’ opinions of the Democratic Party have become more favorable over that same time period, albeit only slightly. On July 20, 45% approved and 49% disappoved of the Democratic Party, and now voters are split evenly at 47% on whether they approve of the Democratic Party or not.
Meanwhile, according to Public Policy Polling, Speaker Boehner’s approving rating took a similar hit during the same time period, falling from 29% approve / 43% disapprove to 28% approve / 52% disapprove. The Republican Party also took at hit, falling from 30% approve / 60% disapprove to 25% approval / 65% disapproval.