Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread

Ah football….. it’s back. And this year, K.C. Keeler will not bring in a transfer QB to lead the Hens, and is going to trust his own recruiting for once. Shocking.

Now, to the riots in London. They were sparked in Tottenham, a more downtrodden and poor section of London with underlying racial tensions, when police shot a kid. But the riots now, in their fourth day, really have nothing to do with that. You get the feeling that it is just a primal rage scream against the establishment, an establishment that kicked off the Austerity Era last year with the social services and education cutting budget of Prime Minister David Cameron, all the while the nation spent millions for a Royal Wedding.

Can riots happen here? Sure, they have before in 1992 and 1968. But those riots were more racially than economically based.

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