Delaware Liberal

Christine O’Donnell: Just Give It Up and Go Away.

For us at Delaware Liberal, for many years, there were two sides to the coin that is Christine O’Donnell. On the one hand, she is a batshit insane religious extremist social conservative whackjob whose preferred policies were downright scary. On the other hand, knowing the politics of Delaware, she was not a threat to any Democratic or Republican candidate on the ballot, and rather was a useful foil to label the entire Republican Party as extreme. And should she actually be a statewide GOP nominee, all the better, for that meant she would be easy to beat. And that’s what happened in 2010, when the nuts took over the asylum known as the state Republican Party in Delaware, and ousted establishment candidates Mike Castle and Michelle Rollins. And as expected, the nuts running statewide, Christine and her sidekick Glenn Urquhart, went down to defeat. So Christine as a political candidate and as a person was both useful and scary, laughable and threatening.

Now we all know the ins and outs of Christine O’Donnell, and her many lies over the years. The lies that Joe Biden tapped her phone, and that he and Castle were hiding outside her apartment complex in non-extistent bushes on that property. Her not getting her college diploma until her campaign paid her delinquent tuition in 2010. Her living off her campaign over the last five years, using campaign donations for her living expenses.

But two other incidents came to light over the last few days.

First, reporter Ginger Gibson, formerly of the News Journal and now of the Star Ledger in North Jersey, revealed that Christine O’Donnell personally called her after her First Amendment gaffe during her debate with Chris Coons at Widener University School of Law with an explicit offer for access to her and her campaign in exchange for a favorable story on the gaffe. Now, as Ginger said in her column this past weekend, such quid pro quos are common in politics, but are not explicitly offered by the candidate to the reporter. Indeed, usually the campaign freezes out a reporter, who then, on their own initiative, writes a favorable story to get back on the bus, as it were. For someone like Christine who regularly lambasts the so called liberal lamestream media and its bias, this incident puts the lie to all that by showing Christine’s desire for biased coverage. Christine is all about biased media, so long as it is biased towards her.

Second, another lie came to light over the past few days regarding Christine’s depiction of a state Republican Party fundraiser where Christine was supposedly dissed by then state GOP Chairman Tom Ross. They way Christine tells it, after Ross introduced former RNC Chair Haley Barbour, the guest of honor that night, Barbour give her a personal shout-out from as he started his speech.

Maria Evans worked as Judge Bill Lee’s communications director during his 2008 gubernatorial campaign. Evans says that in her audio recording of the event, Barbour was introduced by former Congressman Mike Castle, and not Ross. She also says that O’Donnell was acknowledged by Barbour as having worked for Barbour at the RNC, contrary to O’Donnell’s claim that he was happy to see her and that she’d make a great Senate candidate.

So another fabrication on the part of Christine to both aggrandize herself and make herself look like a victim of the mean evil GOP establishment. Perhaps because of this and her known pattern of lying whenever it suits her, the copyright page of her book in both the Kindle and iTunes versions state that O’Donnell’s memoir is, in fact, pure fiction. The disclaimer, pictured below, says “This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.” The print version of “Troublemaker” does not have the fiction disclaimer.

More likely than not, this is either a result of a clerical error, or a hacking or e-vandalism. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. It is merely a comedic footnote to the whole affair that is Christine O’Donnell’s life in Delaware politics.

It is in my best interests, and in the best interests of the Democratic Party, to keep Christine O’Donnell as the face and leader of the Delaware Republican Party. But it is to the point now where it is just embarrassing. I doubt I will ever feel sorry for her, but come on, Christine… enough! Every time you open your mouth or put pen to paper, a lie is born. And not just a creative, hard-to-disprove lie. But an easily contradicted lie. If I take you at your word that you are a sincere Christian, how can you live with yourself? And if you are not a sincere Christian, but just your regular run of the mill lying conservative politician, may I suggest to you that you are not a very good run of the mill lying conservative politician.

May I suggest, after you cash in on this book, that you find another line of work. I am not sure what you are qualified for, but you are definitely not qualified for this. You no longer have to worry about your extreme views being represented in the state GOP, as you have many clones now, like Mr. Urquhart, ready to take your place as the Spokesperson of Crazy.

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