When your own mother….

Filed in National by on August 16, 2011

… won’t lie for you. From Politico:

On her victory lap of Iowa yesterday, Straw Poll winner Rep. Michele Bachmann paid repeated tribute to her local roots, and repeatedly mentioned her family reunion that day, citing it as an excuse for her late arrival at a local party event in Waterloo.

But Bachmann’s mother and two cousins told POLITICO’s Emily Schultheis that Bachmann didn’t attend the reunion, though her husband and children did. Her spokeswoman, Alice Stewart, didn’t respond to two emails asking for an explanation of the disparity.

This is just priceless. I wonder what the family dynamics are in that family. Seems a little tense.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I’ve read somewhere that Perry has already won the Rupert Murdoch primary which means Backmann will be getting hosed by Fox News as well as The Wall Street Journal.

    She is toast. It is all Perry from here on out.

  2. socialistic ben says:

    he frightens me way more than bachmann. He could make GWB look like Nixon. (as in we all thought he was a right wing super villain until we saw just how right wing the GOP can really get)

  3. mediawatch says:

    Bachmann’s logical explanation for being late to the GOP event had to be that she had a very long argument with her family over why the Grand Old Party had to take priority over her family party. Evidently it’s her family, not Michele, who has the real family values.

  4. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Perry is truly scary.


    But the real scariness is in the people backing him, a group of religious crazies that make Chrissie look sane. There are the usual group — Bryan Fischer, Lou Engel, Tony Perkins, even John Hagee (relatively sane in this context) but also

    John Benefiel, who condemns the Statue of Liberty as a ‘Demonic Idol’;
    Mike Bickel, who called Oprah a ‘Precursor to the AntiChrist’;
    Alice Paterson, who is willing to name the precise demons who rule over the Democratic (Jezebel) and Republican (Ahab) Parties;
    and Alice Smith who ‘advocates “spiritual housecleaning” because demons “sneak into” homes through everyday objects.’

    And Perry is the new front-runner.

  5. Jason330 says:

    If the media ever covers all of that (which I doubt), the fact that Obama’s preacher once said, “Goddamn America” once will be included to provide “balance.”

  6. flutecake says:

    Yeah, but what’s up with Rove hating Perry? Apparently, there has never been any love there.


    But back on topic, Michelle Bachman is about to be out crazied by the Perry campaign, which is pretty tragic for all of us.