O’Donnell Walks Off Set of Piers Morgan

Filed in National by on August 17, 2011

Christine O’Donnell walked off the set of her interview with Piers Morgan after he probed her on the topics of witchcraft and gay marriage.

In this case, she apparently reacted badly to Morgan’s questions about her views on sexuality. As the public learned in the 2010 campaign, she is a vociferous abstinence campaigner, and has even gone so far as to speak out vigorously against masturbation. Morgan apparently couldn’t resist prodding her on this, nor could he resist raising her infamous anecdote about having once dabbled in witchcraft. The final straw, however, appears to have been a question about her opposition to gay marriage.

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  1. John Young says:
  2. MJ says:

    She is a joke. Hopefully all of these temper tantrums will end her “career.”

  3. socialistic ben says:

    or it will make the teabaggers, who loves them some temper tantrums against imaginary Liberal Nazis give her more money

  4. Geezer says:

    “If you threw water on her, she’d melt.”

    You’d regret wasting the water, though.

  5. MJ says:

    And wait for Matt Moran (her campaign manager) to come out with his talking points defending her. Why does she have a campaign manager still and will Matt tell her to let go of his short hairs?

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Bill The Fatman Colley is already up with some commentary on WGMD.

  7. MJ says:

    And I notice the chicken-shit Fatman has closed his comments, once again. Typical. He’s afraid of getting his nose smeared in the pile of bullshit he drops on a daily basis.

  8. anon says:

    HAHAHA What a disaster!!

  9. I saw the ‘event’ and ROTFL indeed. JESUS H. CHRISTMAS that girl outright said she is soliciting a job. She’s a fool, no way around it. She has no inclination to temper her tea party lies with even a scintilla of diplomacy and the Brit. wasn’t going to let go of her ‘bone’ so she runs away. CLASSIC.

    Politico has the story up and the comments are great. Among the tea party sympathy there’s a good deal of funny about how she should have started back in on Piers Morgan for his hacking for Rupert Murdoch. She already had accused him of getting paid by Bill Mahr for re-airing his show. It was pretty funny to see her squirm about whether or not she still lusts (and masterbates?).

  10. Jason330 says:

    1) How many times have we seen or heard Ms. O’Donnell call the interviewer rude and then have to be rescued by handlers?

    At least three times that I can think of right off the bat. I think she regards being asked questions as rude.

    2) She is clearly angry because she wants this book to be a pivot away from the Jesus stuff (abortion and gays) toward an equally gullible group of losers, the fiscal tea party dunb asses.

    Could she be any more transparent? I think not.

  11. Morning Joe aired another “noted” CNN interview when Carrie Prejean walked off Larry Cane’s show claiming that the questions about gay marriage were inappropriate. SO, WHO DOUBTS that O’Donnell was deliberately doin’ a Prejean?

    Miss USA 2009 controversy from wiki:
    Prejean received nationwide attention over her response to a question about same-sex marriage during the 2009 Miss USA pageant.[16] Prejean was asked by pageant judge Perez Hilton, who is gay,[16] whether she believed every U.S. state should legalize same-sex marriage

  12. She also abandonned her Salt Lake City interview as reported by Politico:

    What I want to know is which Republican Women’s group she claimed she was going to be late for yesterday…can anyone verify?

    Also, Mascitti is on WDEL right now reminding us that she did the same thing on the set with Rick Jensen last year when he asked her what she’d have done in Chris Coons’ place when it came to balancing the county budget. I knew that the act last night was familiar….

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Poor victim of the liberal fascist lamestream media with their gotcha questions!

    What’s a 40 year old virgin to do?!?

  14. liberalgeek says:

    So was that Matt Moran that stepped in front of the camera? He has a long history of that particular behavior.


  15. Dominique says:

    We have a multi-trillion dollar deficit, the economy is in the shitter, we are at war with three different countries, but let’s talk about gay marriage.


  16. puck says:

    “We have a multi-trillion dollar deficit, the economy is in the shitter, we are at war with three different countries, but let’s talk about gay marriage.”

    Worked for the Repubs in 2004…

  17. Dominique says:

    Repugnant then, repugnant now.

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    Um, the two situations are not alike at all. In 2004, Dominique’s hero George W. Bush campaigned on banning gay marriage. Over the last few years, progressives have been compaigned on legalizing gay marriage.

    So I guess Dominique finds extending civil rights repugnant?

  19. delacrat says:

    Why does DL come down so hard on someone who showed Mike Castle the door? That was no small favor. Seems ungrateful to deny her the obscurity she so needs and deserves.

  20. puck says:

    It took a lot of nerve for O’Donnell to go up against a guy who judges silly acts for a living.

  21. Geezer says:

    “We have a multi-trillion dollar deficit, the economy is in the shitter, we are at war with three different countries, but let’s talk about gay marriage.”

    Water finds its level. Why would you talk about those other topics with Christine O’Donnell?

  22. Rusty Dils says:

    Piers Morgan has a perfect right to ask whatever questions he wants to ask. Christine O’Donnel has a perfect right to end the interview. That is what is so great about this country. Maybe it will hurt Piers, (I doubt it). Maybe it will hurt Christine. There is a very very simple way to stop it. Don’t invite her on for anymore interviews. As long as the media keeps inviting her on, they are just egging her on.