Delaware Liberal

College Search

The Pandora household has been consumed with searching for colleges for our son.  We’ve read countless brochures, surfed the web until I can’t stand looking at my computer, and have traveled by car and plane to visit campuses (U of D, Pitt, Penn State, U of M, Boston U, MIT, Stony Brook,  NYU,  Temple, etc).  Quite simply, we have officially overloaded on higher education.  My son doesn’t have his heart set on any university.  The only thing he knows is he wants to major in engineering – he wants to build things and thinks math is as fun as XBox.

The cost of college tuition for an undergrad degree is nuts – with most kids leaving college approximately 200,000.00 in debt and a slim chance of ever recouping that investment.  If college was a stock it would be a risky investment.

All that said, of course he’s going.  The question is where.  We’ve decided to apply to a boatload of schools since you don’t really find out what sort of financial aid/scholarship package is offered until you pay your application fee and submit your application.

That’s where we are.  Any advice, helpful hints, would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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