Delaware Liberal

Have “decent” Republicans simply quit?

There is this person, Sarah Reidy, who is sick and sad about what the GOP has become but mostly you just hear crickets.

I mean, shouldn’t someone other than a lowly Huntsman staffer speak up against the pep-rally for death and cruerlty that the GOP has become? Are the decent Republicans simply ceeding the nominating process over the the blood-thirsty theocrats and closet case psychos.

FWIW – here is Reidy’s comment.

“For years I have tried to prove that the GOP isn’t the Party of elitist, stereotypical people that lack compassion,” Reidy wrote on her Facebook account Tuesday. “When did creativity and growth become secondary to hate? Hearing the debate crowds go crazy over things like executions and the uninsured dying makes me sick and sad for my Party that I devote my time and efforts.”

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