Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 13, 2011

Karen Weldin Stewart is in the news today, sticking up for the health insurance lobby. MJ will have an article on that this evening.

So what were your thoughts on the Teabagging debate last night? I can never bare to watch, so I followed the reaction on several blogs I follow and on Twitter. Besides Santorum’s Freudian slip, the most outrageous, disgusting and revealing moment of the evening was conservative crowd cheering the death of the elderly uninsured. Now, the Republican position on healthcare has always been that if you can’t afford health insurance, then it sucks to be you. Now that has evolved to cheering for the deaths of the uninsured.

Truly evil.

Truly un-Christian.


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  1. Jason330 says:

    So… The GOP establishment (Karl Rove, Fox News, etc.) is now clearly out to get Perry. Does that mean the teabags will dig in and go scorched against whoever the GOP shot callers decide is the “anti-Perry”?

    Calling wingnut Dana…. Calling wingnut Dana… Come in wingnut Dana!

  2. socialistic ben says:

    dana is too busy cheering on a homeless person as they starve to death.

  3. MJ says:

    Dana is also cheering on a person with no health insurance as he dies of MRSA.