Delaware Liberal

Wagner classifies efforts to get him to do his job “frivolous.”

Some months ago, Richard Korn, the former Democratic nominee for Auditor, filed suit against state Auditor Tom Wagner, alleging that Wagner was violating a state law that requires the auditor to review school district budgets annually and has been doing so since changing the audit procedures in 2002. However, a Chancery Court judge has dismissed the suit, ruling that the Chancery Court did not have jurisdiction to hear the case, and that the Superior Court would be the proper venue.

Naturally, given the genetic stupidity of Republican officeholders, Tom Wagner thinks he has been vindicated.

“Another frivolous lawsuit thrown out the window,” Wagner said. “We have other things to worry about.”

What other things? You seem to have some time on your hands, given the lack of audits you are conducting, Mr. Wagner. I love how Wagner classifies efforts to get him to do his job “frivolous.” But I digress. Korn and his attorney say they will be filing suit in the Superior Court per the Chancery’s Court’s recommendation.

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