With so many debates… sooner or later….

Filed in National by on September 13, 2011

…the GOP’s innate racism would shine through… Rick Santorum on the GOP attracting Latino votes:

“What what Gov. Perry has done is he provided in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, maybe that was an attempt to attract illegal vote — I mean Latino — voters,” Santorum said.

In the lizard brain of nearly every Republican, all Latinos are illegal. They are wrong. They shouldn’t be here in America. Because America is for white people. Not brown people.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    the crowd of traitors also cheered letting uninsured people be let to die. (in support of that spoiled fraud, Ron Paul)
    I think the democratic campaign commercials should just be clips of these debates with the question “do you really want to give THESE ass holes power?”

  2. John Young says:

    They all need to check the law….especially Perry since the MF’ing case law on school and immigrants in settled and done so with a case from TEXAS:


    Plyler v. Doe 1982

  3. socialistic ben says:

    They dont care about the law. They want the law changed so those damn latin—–i mean illegals cant take their children’s education they value so much. just look at how much they want to pay teachers. It is OBVIOUSLY something that is important to them.

  4. Jason330 says:

    At the end of this process, the champion douchebag Republican is going to be the champion douchebag Republican for the ages.

  5. puck says:

    They are such assholes because they think that brand of assholery will win the election. I wish I didn’t have to take that prospect seriously, but it is entirely likely they are right.

    Traditionally a GOP candidate runs right in the primary, then pivots to the center in the general. But these guys have hammered their stakes down so far out to the right, I don’t see that happening. Worse, I am not sure it is even necessary anymore with this electorate and this media.

    All these moments are being captured on YouTube or other video, and that kind of pivot is theoretically no longer possible, assuming Obama’s campaign uses the video to hold them accountable (not a sure thing at all).

    Unfortunately due to Obama’s own actions it will now be difficult if not impossible for Obama’s campaign to attack Republicans for proposing cuts to Social Security and Medicare, or for refusing to make the rich pay their fair share.

    In the best case, America’s better nature will shine through and the GOP racism and cruel social Darwinism will be rejected in the general election.

  6. aoine says:

    Thanks for the boost john..but plyler v doe only covers k-12 education . It was a narrow decisuon it passed by one vote but was based on the 14th amendment.
    What they r talking about is in-state tuition for college kids…or DREAM ACT KIDS. Plyler v doe does not hold here. But plyler v doe is the reason Alabama new law will be enjoined in the section for cou ting illegal immigrant kids in Aka schools.

  7. Jason330 says:

    “In the best case, America’s better nature will shine through and the GOP racism and cruel social Darwinism will be rejected in the general election.”

    We’re doomed.

  8. John Young says:


    It may be a precedent case and the legal ideas contained therein may be applicable to higher ed….. it just shows that the GOP is likely to ignore the 14th Amendment…..

  9. I’m officially terrified by the GOP electorate. They sure like to cheer for people dying don’t they? The thought of these sociopaths picking someone with a nonzero chance to become president is chilling.

    In a fact-based world, Romney would be the winner of that debate. Since we don’t have that kind of world I guess Perry won though I think the tag team of Bachmann, Paul and Romney dented him.

    I’m a bit amused by Romney’s definition of success – oil + Republican governance. Maybe if we’re lucky we can be a paradise of minimum wage and high uninsured (who deserve to die already).

    In the long run what people will remember from this debate will be the crowd cheering for letting the uninsured guy die, plus Perry’s pricetag is >$5000.

  10. Jason330 says:

    I know. Have the so-called sane Republicans like Dave Burris and Ken Grant simply given up? I guess if even Romney if going to take part in the GOP’s “who is craziest?” contest – there isn’t much left for “normal” Republicans to fight for.

  11. puck says:

    One of the most offensive lines I’ve heard (and I’ve heard it from both sides):

    “Current retirees won’t be affected.”

    This means they think we are stupid enough to sell out our descendants.

  12. Rebecca says:

    No puck, it means they’re hoping the decendants will rise up against the wrinklies and vote to end Social Security. It’s never what they are saying now, it’s about the next move on the board.

  13. puck says:

    “it means they’re hoping the decendants will rise up against the wrinklies and vote to end Social Security.”

    Cutting future benefits is the conservative nirvana. For young Republicans, the thought of ending Social Security and Medicare is like being promised 72 virgins in Heaven. They keep forgetting about the downside.

    Cutting current benefits is the actual third rail. You can’t win an election on that as long as 65-year olds vote. Thus, the pander “current retirees won’t be affected.”

    Despite the GOP rhetoric, Democrats are the only ones who have enacted legislation to undermine Social Security. Anybody who thinks the payroll tax cuts will be temporary is kidding themselves.

  14. socialistic ben says:

    these selfish ass holes (my generation who don’t care about social security) think that an extra 30 bucks in each paycheck will be enough to live on when they retire.

    ya know… the last Americans who remember what this country was like without any kind of safety net are dying. once there is no one to remind us how awful that is, we’ll have to re-live history. the GOP is proof there is very little hope for humanity.

  15. Aoine says:

    @John Young – I don’t think it will be a prescedent case – ever

    k-12 education is mandated and paid for by tax dollars. All children in the United States have access to it, free of charge

    on the other hand, higher education (after grade 12) does not have the same stature. Many US citizen children do not go to college because they either dont want to or cannot afford to.

    the difference in the two is vast – one is a core benefit available to all those children in American society, the other is optionaland based on ability to pay.

    Plyler V Doe specifically upheld the right of immigrant children (regardless of legal status) to have a basic education, the same right afforded to our own children. the foundation of this decision was the 14th ammendment, “equal access” clause and the decision was very narrow – only one vote upheld it.

    those basic human rights, like shelter, basic education, medical treatment etc are available to all those in the US, are also available to those in our country without permission. The extra goodies, like highter education, elective medical procedures, etc are not held to have the same level of importance in our society.

    that is why I do not believe Plyler V Doe can ever be held as a presecent case in the cause for higher education for undocumented children.

    In the decision, the justices were clear as to why as well. Interesting reading.