Delaware Liberal

County Tries to Sell State White Elephant

Goes by the name of Rockwood.

Yet another tony estate, built in the mid-1800’s, championed by those people more concerned about family crests than family economic survival, purchased by New Castle County with lotsa bucks from the state, turned into a ‘mansion and a park’ during the go-go Gordon and Freebury years, and now, and now…the County can’t afford the upkeep and wants to pawn it off on the state.

From the same administration that proposed $92/month cuts for the medically indigent, comes this response:

“It’s a reasonable proposal and one we’re taking a look at,” (Secretary of State Jeff) Bullock said. “Given Rockwood’s proximity to other state parkland, there’s an argument that you could create a greater efficiency by having the state run it.”

Uh, right. Don’t just take serial bureaucrat Bullock’s word for it.  County Community Services Secretary Marcus Henry (yes, he’s Margaret Rose Henry’s son) says that this proposal makes sense  “because Rockwood is close to Bellevue State Park”. Yep, all you have to do is cross Shipley Road, Carr Road, wend up past the industrial park and DELDOT maintenance area, cross Marsh Road and I-95, get back on Carr Road and you’re almost there. Why, they’re practically right next door.

Let me put this as succinctly as I can: Neither the state nor the county should expend another dime on this indulgence to the upper middle class. The public has demonstrated its disinterest by their absence. Councilman John Cartier, who I generally like, says that:

(t)he park needs to be marketed better to increase attendance, Cartier said. Programs need to be added, too, he said.The museum currently offers tours and lectures. Proceeds from other events, such as the Victorian Ball scheduled for February, are part of an ongoing fundraising campaign by the Friends of Rockwood to pay for restoration of the conservatory attached to the mansion.

This should not be a state or county function. The County should not be marketing events with public dollars. Both the state and county have sunk significant costs into Rockwood. Despite their best efforts, they now have a money pit to show for it. They should cut their losses, try to sell the white elephant, hell, at sheriff’s sale, if necessary, and get out of this business.

If the tony ‘Friends of Rockwood’, allegedly 135 strong, are sincere, they can either try to buy it themselves, or find a private purchaser. President June Zappa (Editor’s Note: No yellow snow has ever been eaten at Rockwood) might want to call up those Copelands. I hear they’ve got money to throw around.

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