Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 14, 2011

The News Journal reports that Russ Murphy, the local Delaware teabagger toxin that founded the 9/12 Delaware Patriots, suffered a stroke and is in the hospital. It sounds like he will recover. Hopefully this health crisis will give him a chance to reflect on poor political opinions and rhetoric, considering that it is likely he is availing himself of health care paid for by the government.

How do you steal a gasoline tanker?

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    Sen Warren!!
    Gosh i hope she wins, gains a positive reputation, runs for president, wins and ultimately breaks my heart!

  2. Jason330 says:

    Tax cuts for the “impoverished” casino industry on the table?

    Of course. It makes perfect sense. Tax cuts don’t reduce revenue – they increase revenue!

  3. Atlas says:

    NY-9 is nothing to worry about, The Dear Leader is beloved by his subjects.

  4. puck says:

    The Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn used to think Weiner was a good Jewish boy.

    Now, they are only sure that he is a boy.

  5. Jason330 says:

    I’ll go ahead and say it and beat Closet to this point. The NY-9 loss was clearly Obama’s fault. The leader of the Democratic Party is hugely unpopular in the district.

    I’m not sure why President Obama has decided to piss away his popularity so cavalierly, but I suppose it makes sense to David Plouffe.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    I think you could steal a gas tanker–but how do you hide it? It’s its own Amber Alert.

  7. MJ says:

    Low turnout (except for the Orthodox Jewish community) and a D candidate, who is also Orthodox and who couldn’t out-Jew a goy is why this seat flipped. No matter, though, this seat is disappearing.

  8. Aoine says:

    Jason – Im confused about the tax cuts for the casinos…

    How will that increase revenue?? Casinos make money because the public comes in to play

    the public is who has the cash flow problem, and giving the public a tax cut does not mean they will choose to spend the extra money in a casio

    cutting the taxes for the casinos means they pay less to the state -so the state has less money for education, core services etc.

    the casino pays less taxes to what end??

    If the public is not coming in to gamble more, then those tax cuts will not go to job creation because the casinos still have no need to hire extra saff to be dealers, waitresses, food service etc to serve a public that is not coming in to gamble

    if gambling is down the casinos loose money, decrease the taxes and gambling revenue will still be down

    I dont get the connection……….

    The casinos need to increase revenue, what is actually coming in the door…. cuttting their taxes simply means they are paying out less, not taking in more…maybe a balanced approach?? would help them stay in business

    Of course, there is still the question??? who expands a casino in bad economic times then turns around and cries poverty?


    sounds like I found a way out of a debt situation

  9. Aoine says:

    THIS ought to make the tea-baggers that support Romney cringe:


  10. jason330 says:

    That’s a very Christian statement from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Teabags will hate it.

  11. Aoine says:

    yup… 😉