GOP Shot Callers Terrified of Perry

Filed in National by on September 15, 2011

If there were any lingering questions, this past week has proven that the GOP establishment is determined to bring down Rick Perry. How committed are they to Perry not being the eventual nominee? Well check this out.

The GOP’s propaganda arm – Fox News – spliced a Perry debate response to a question about the American Jobs act into a discussion about Social Security making it appear that Perry is down right giddy about abolishing the successful program which keeps both Republican and Democratic seniors from living in poverty.

KILMEADE: Rick Perry’s Republican rivals ganging up on the governor for his attacks on Social Security, but he’s fighting back.

PERRY: I would suggest to you that people are tired of spending money we don’t have on programs we don’t want.

KILMEADE: More from last night’s tea party debate, [Perry] clearly happy with that answer.

So what is a poor confused teabag to do? One the one hand they have their square jawed, C student, messiah in Perry. On the other hand they have their unblinking arbiter of truth in Fox News.

Something’s gotta give. Hand me some popcorn.

Aside: It is mildly interesting to me that “Fox News Simply Makes Shit Up” isn’t even a very big deal in this story. Everyone has so thoroughly internalized the fact that objective truth and honesty mean nothing to Fox News that their blatantly unethical behavior doesn’t cause even the smallest of ripples in the news landscape.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. puck says:

    I think the establishment is having fun with the illusion that Perry is off the reservation – a true teabag populist phenomenon and a monster that the conservative movement created but now cannot control. We got ourselves another maverick!

    No way does any important Republican think Perry is too extreme. Their only concern is that he might lose.

    But even if Perry loses, he will have accomplished his mission of ramming open the Overton window, so the next GOP candidate is free to openly campaign for the end of Social Security. And as usual, Democrats will follow them to the right, two steps behind.

  2. jason330 says:

    I agree on all points. DelawareLiberal really does have the smartest fucking commenters in the business. /pander

  3. puck says:

    I also don’t think the GOP establishment is sweating this election. There are a lot of advantages for Republicans to a second term for Obama. Even if Obama wins in 2012, Republican policies will have triumphed, yet Democrats will take the blame for their failure.

    Sure they’d prefer to win, but Republicans have nothing to lose. Obama has already delivered the GOP 2008 platform, plus the unexpected bonus of all that Federal money set to pour into Republican donors in the insurance industry. And now Obama has set the vultures circling over Social Security and Medicare. What’s for a Republican not to like?

    With few exceptions, Obama’s presidency is very similar to what I expect a McCain presidency would have been.

  4. Jason330 says:

    It is pretty shocking when you step back and think about it. Clinton would have absolutely crushed Obama in the primaries if anyone had a bit of a scant idea about how Obama was going to approach his duties.

    No I know there are those who say that Obama is governing as he campaigned – and to that I say – nonsense.

    It insults everyone’s intelligence to suggest that Obama v20.08 gave any hints to the debacle that his Presidency and his leadership of the Democratic Party was going to be.

  5. donviti says:

    Obama wins hands down. Rick Perry is a no win. Bachmans screechy voice is a no win and the hedge fund guy has no chance. And spare me that a 200lbs overweight NJ governor has a chance too.

    More of the same till 2016….unless a third party jumps on and effs it up

  6. puck says:

    “Clinton would have absolutely crushed Obama in the primaries”

    Hey, it’s not too late… 🙂

  7. Jason330 says:

    “.unless a third party jumps on and effs it up” in other words, more of the same until 2016.

    BTW – I’d link to your 80 days post, but I don’t want to jinx your thing. Malique needs editing.

  8. V says:

    GOP establishment wins no matter what. As usual.

    If they win, obivously that’s great. and Puck is DEAD ON with the Overton window stuff.

    If they lose with Romney, he’s officially out of their hair once and for all with his flip flopping and his awkwardness.

    If they lose with Perry, they can blame it on the tea party, officialy declare Tea party unwinnable and dead and get on with their big business agenda without having to mask it like they’re doing now.

    Either way they’ve now saved their stronger candidates (Christie, Jeb, ugh) for 2016 since they were too smart to run against an incumbent.

  9. socialistic ben says:

    I’m amused by this assumption that any single teabagger is an individual who WONT vote for whoever the GOP establishment tells them to vote for. They dont want Perry (or whoever) in as much as they want the Muslim Gaybortionist OUT. they will follow orders no matter who the nominee is.

  10. puck says:

    Would the GOP establishment actually prefer a second term for Obama rather than electing any of their own nut jobs?

    Consider Demint’s comments about not wanting to own the economy. Maybe a little truth is leaking out there.

    And teabaggers know their movement would collapse without Obama.

  11. fightingbluehen says:

    I’m scared of Perry because he and Bachman are the only candidates that could actually lose to Obama, and the fact that he is sort of a nut job.
    I don’t think we have to worry though because Hillary will be the Democrat candidate ,and unfortunately she will probably beat whomever the Republicans run.
    I’m just curious to see what excuse Obama will give when he decides not to run.

  12. Jason330 says:

    Yep. Gingrich, Santorum, Paul, and Cain are very electable.

  13. Dana says:

    Given what y’all went through concerning the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination campaigns, I’d think you’d be a bit more familiar with the idea that the party elites don’t necessarily get to choose the party’s nominee.

    If the party elites had had their way, Hillary Clinton would have been the nominee.

  14. Dana says:

    fbh wrote:

    I’m just curious to see what excuse Obama will give when he decides not to run.

    It’d have to be “the devil made me do it,” ’cause this scenario has about the chance of a snowball in Hell.

  15. Jason330 says:

    Go Dana go! Perry all the way!

  16. Geezer says:

    “If the party elites had had their way, Hillary Clinton would have been the nominee.”

    And you can see how much difference it made in the end.

  17. socialistic ben says:

    The GOP party rulers have much more control over their voters than the DNC party rulers. Libtards actually have a sense of self. Mark my words. no matter how “independent minded” these Tea-fucks SAY they are…. they are all united by a common hatred of their fellow americans, and by extension the obama presidency. No matter what card-board cutout if put in front of them, they will vote for it.

  18. X Stryker says:

    The GOP establishment does not control the Tea Party. A handful of conservative billionaires does.

  19. X Stryker says:

    The real conflict is over power – Establishment GOP politicians who want their donors to complete for their attention (sure, I’ll get you that tax break… But I’m working on a defense bill now. Maybe we could talk further at my fundraiser tomorrow?) versus billionaires who want disposable, replaceable lemmings ready to leap over a political cliff without regards to their re-election chances (You vote how I tell you. I will buy this election with unlimited money – or I’ll wait two years and try again with someone more telegenic.)

  20. Truth Teller says:

    “The Knights Who Say ‘TEA!’ will not allow an election unless you give us what we want!”

    “And what is it you want?”

    “We want…a SHRUBbery!­”