Delaware Liberal

GOP Shot Callers Terrified of Perry

If there were any lingering questions, this past week has proven that the GOP establishment is determined to bring down Rick Perry. How committed are they to Perry not being the eventual nominee? Well check this out.

The GOP’s propaganda arm – Fox News – spliced a Perry debate response to a question about the American Jobs act into a discussion about Social Security making it appear that Perry is down right giddy about abolishing the successful program which keeps both Republican and Democratic seniors from living in poverty.

KILMEADE: Rick Perry’s Republican rivals ganging up on the governor for his attacks on Social Security, but he’s fighting back.

PERRY: I would suggest to you that people are tired of spending money we don’t have on programs we don’t want.

KILMEADE: More from last night’s tea party debate, [Perry] clearly happy with that answer.

So what is a poor confused teabag to do? One the one hand they have their square jawed, C student, messiah in Perry. On the other hand they have their unblinking arbiter of truth in Fox News.

Something’s gotta give. Hand me some popcorn.

Aside: It is mildly interesting to me that “Fox News Simply Makes Shit Up” isn’t even a very big deal in this story. Everyone has so thoroughly internalized the fact that objective truth and honesty mean nothing to Fox News that their blatantly unethical behavior doesn’t cause even the smallest of ripples in the news landscape.

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