Thursday Open Thread

Filed in Open Thread by on September 15, 2011

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) told Fox News that Republicans face a tough choice on President Obama’s jobs bill: “If we vote for this plan, we’ll own the economy with the president, and he desperately needs someone else to blame it on. If we vote against it, he’s going to try to say Congress blocked his ability to create jobs.”

Sounds about right. A new Gallup poll finds that 45% want their member of Congress to vote for the legislation and just 32% want their member to vote against it (23% didn’t know enough about it). And a recent CNN/Opinion Research poll shows a plurality liking the president’s jobs plan outline by a 43%-35% margin, but with 22% undecided.

And the Phillies are in the playoffs. Again

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    I just heard Mitt Romney say that he would choose someone like Dick Cheney to be his Vice President. Even the best of the GOP candidates have judgment too flawed to entrust with the power of the presidency.

  2. Jason330 says:

    OMG X – That was for real…Robertson’s advice to a man began seeing another woman after his wife started suffering from the incurable neurological disorder was, “…if he’s going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again,”

    Because, you know… that’s what it says in the Bible.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    HOLY CRAP. that video is goosebump city.

  4. Republican David says:

    Can anyone seriously disagree with that? Don’t shack up and pretend to be married. Either fish or cut bait. If you have someone who doesn’t even remember you, it is not like you still can’t visit and care, but the relationship is effectively abandoned by the tragic disease. I like the heros who stay with them to the end like my grandfather, but no one in their right mind would judge a person for doing otherwise.

  5. socialistic ben says:

    remember everyone,
    4 years ago the republicans were defending Terri Shaivo’s marriage….. when it was popular to do so.

    Thank you david for proving once again that party and ideological unity takes precedent over humanity. If a Teabag says it, all other Tbags must defend it.
    Nothing says modern republicanism like leaving the sick and suffering on their own in search of an easier and happier life for yourself. Throw off any responsibility to your fellow human that might bum you out…. jesus just wants YOU to be happy, and screw everyone else.

    pigs. you’re all disgusting pigs.

  6. X Stryker says:

    “till death do us part” means death. Alzheimer’s is not death. I wouldn’t judge either, but then again, I don’t judge people for having homosexual relationships. Because I’m not Pat fucking Robertson and I don’t arbitrarily make up phony rules for what’s a sin and what isn’t. If Alzheimer’s qualifies as death, what was Terry Schiavo? Goddamn hypocrites make me sick.

  7. X Stryker says:

    I’m disappointed in you, David. I thought you respected the sanctity of life and marriage. Now I see that all you respect is the authority of well-known conservatives.

  8. Bill Dunn says:

    And, some of these religious conservatives that support Pat Robertson in this position, call this type of thing “Compassionate conservatism”???

    I think it begs the question; If he told his Alzheimer’s stricken wife at all, did he do it before or after she had mentally slipped away?

  9. Bill Dunn says:

    “……………Next week, Pat will be discussing how Jesus and Jim Jones came to enlighten him on euthanasia, so send those checks and keep watching…”

  10. puck says:


    “The joint committee is a jobs committee. Its mission is to reduce the deficit that is threatening job creation in our country.”

    The only way to make this statement true is if the commission reduces the deficit by raising taxes on the rich.

  11. xstryker says:

    Ron Paul said he would let an uninsured man die at the debate, and he meant it too. His former campaign manager was young and uninsured (due to a pre-existing condition, he couldn’t afford it), and died of pneumonia in 2008. Pneumonia is curable if you catch it early, but if you don’t have insurance, chances are pretty good you’ll avoid the hospital until its too late. His mother got stuck with the $400,000 hospital bill, and a major charitable effort only raised $34,870.53. Ron Paul, of course, can raise a million dollars in a single day, but don’t look to him for help. And that’s the Tea Party – they think the problem with America is that some of their money might be used to save lives against their wishes.

  12. anon says:

    Tea Party, death party. Starting to believe the teaparty is suffering from mad cow disease.

  13. Aoine says:

    @David – yeah right

    like the lady said “what’s love got to do with it?”

    Nice to know what your wife can look forward to – personally I’d divorce your ass as soon as I saw your post!

    then again, I would not give anyone like you the time of day to begin with – you are morally bankrupt