Daily Delawhere [New Feature]

Filed in National by on September 16, 2011

Recently, an online photographer was doing this project posting a photo from every state. For the life of me, I cannot find the link to it right now. But the photographer’s photograph for Delaware was a picture of driving through a highway tunnel not unlike the Harbor tunnels in Baltimore. Now, I was born in Delaware. I have lived in Delaware most of my life. I consider myself to be a native Delawarean who has the right and privilege to look down upon the rest of the 49 states. I have traveled up and down this state, and to each corner. And I have never driven through a highway tunnel here. And that is because there is no highway tunnel in the state of Delaware. There just isn’t. Not under the C&D Canal. Not under the Delaware River and/or Bay.

Anyway, that got me to looking at photos of Delaware online. And that got me to thinking about taking more pictures of Delaware myself. And then I thought it would be a good idea to start a daily feature of random photos from around Delaware and have you guys guess where the photo was taken and/or what the photo is of, not unlike Andrew Sullivan’s contest on his blog. I will take some of the photos myself, and welcome submissions from our readership that will require me to guess.

Here is today’s Daily Delawhere photo, and it’s easy:

If you have a photo you want to submit, email it to delawaredem@delawareliberal.com. Thanks.

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  1. puck says:

    “I have traveled up and down this state, and to each corner. ”

    And then it was time for lunch.

  2. Bethany Beach Totem Pole?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    El Som wins. I told you it was easy. It will get harder as we go on.

  4. Aoine says:

    bonus points if you know his name? the totem pole I mean

  5. John Manifold says:

    Totem Home Plenty Ice Cold Ballantine.

  6. meatball says:

    You don’t know where the tunnel is?

  7. anon. says:

    Any Sussex Countian knows that is Chief Little Owl.

  8. puck says:

    I was looking around for Delaware tunnels, and came across this description of an under-river tunnel that was being seriously planned in the 1930s in the spot where the Delaware Memorial Bridge now stands.

    I also found this 1936 newspaper mention of the tunnel in Google News archive. I love the serendipity of browsing old newspapers. Read the whole page.

    On the same page there were stories of a debate on where to put the new arts center, an update on the building of the new tunnel, a mention of how Philadelphia got a WPA grant to clean the exterior of City Hall, and also got Federal money to build two new schools. What a different approach to a economic depression.

    There was also a column about how employment was picking up and FDR would be turning toward cutting spending and balancing the budget. And wondering if a European war would damage our economic recovery.

  9. capesdelaware says:

    Thank God they stained the “old” boy this year .Looks better .I have threatened to paint his nose white with sun block and add red lips .