President Cantor to Shut Down Federal Government Over Partisan Budget Cuts & Blame Harry Reid

Filed in National by on September 20, 2011

The House passed a looney-tunes appropriations bill that includes   looney tunes teabaggy  disaster relief provision which require additional funding for FEMA for disaster relief to be offset with direct payments to oil companies  ….cuz, you know…  job creators.

Harry Reid said, “We are sending that bullshit back to the teaBag-a-go-go.  The flooded people need some benjamins.”

And President Cantor said,  “Go ahead and we’ll shut down everything except the Rayburn House Office Building Sex Dungeon.”    And then he said,   the consequences  “will be on Leader Reid’s shoulders because he’s the one playing politics with this.”

(Note: the last quote is accurate.  The others are guessed at.)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. D. Kennedy says:

    Yea, let’s tax the rich because they pay a lower percentage than the poor and middle class!

    Oh yea, that’s right. That bullshit Obama myth was just totally debunked by the IRS statistics.

    But, hey, you guys are liberals so why should facts matter.

  2. Jason330 says:


    Yes you. You are used to being called stupid aren’t you? That’s why you try to reduce complex questions to simplistic nonsense that is easy to remember and recite when you hear the right prompts.


  3. MJ says:

    Jason, I think DK and his ilk start repeating the same bullshit when the see the Queen of Diamonds.

  4. Jason330 says:

    The Manchurian commenter. It would be refreshing if one of these wingnuts tried to make a semi-cogent argument once in a while.

  5. kavips says:

    Actually, the only reason we’re resorting to taxing the rich, is because they got all the money. If the rich don’t want to be paying higher taxes, they should give back to us, all the money they grabbed. They won’t.. So it’s fair they should be the ones paying all the taxes…

  6. socialistic ben says:

    exactly. the reaganomics model only works if people who make all the money from everyone else’s hard work re-circulate it. Instead they horde it, find tax shelters for it, do everything they can so they are the only one’s with money

    the “millionaires who just arent millionaires yet” would seem to have the argument of
    “no i don’t have lots of money, but if i did, you can bet i wouldn’t want to make any attempt to give back or lift my fellow Americans up.. it’s all mine, libtard!”

  7. puck says:

    I have been assuming the rich are creating plenty of jobs, just not here. But now I hear we are approaching a worldwide slowdown, so I guess I have to fact-check my assumption.