Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 20, 2011

Representative Mike Barbieri (D-18th) has been appointed Vice Chairman of the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Human Services and Welfare Committee. This committee oversee’s the NCSL’s policy work in social services, income security, nutrition and immigration. Good work and best of luck, Mike!

Here is a fact that both amazes me and doesn’t surprise me at all:

Every 2 minutes today we snap as many photos as the whole of humanity took in the 1800s. In fact, ten percent of all the photos the human race has ever taken were taken in the past 12 months.

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  1. AQC says:

    Good for Mike and good for the NCSL!

  2. puck says:

    FOX wingnuts “enraged” the rich aren’t paying their fair share….

    …in Pakistan.

  3. puck says:

    I’m getting a bad feeling about this:

    “National Journal deficit poll: Public wants the wealthy taxed more, Medicare left alone”

    We usually get positive polling on an issue right before Obama caves and does the opposite. It’s kind of like the ocean receding before the tsunami hits.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    you’re right puck…. if history is a guide, Obama will abolish medicare, SS, AND taxes for anyone who is considered an “employer”

  5. Jason330 says:

    I get why you guys are nervous about THE REVEAL. All I can say is, don’t be.

    The “adult in the room” Obama v1.0 was an abject failure. Even David Plouffle can’t doubt that at this point.

    Is it too late? It is never too late.

    Am I asking myself questions again? Yes, sorry.

  6. puck says:

    I really don’t know what to root for here. A REVEAL would be OK, I guess, but I’m not sure what could be gained other than emotional satisfaction. Gaming the possible outcomes:

    a. Jobs plan passes as is. A handful of Republicans vote for tax increases and all hell breaks loose in the GOP. Actual impact on jobs is minimal. Democrats and the tax increases are blamed for unemployment.

    b. Jobs plan fails in the House. Democrats (fail/do not fail) to take advantage of this in their campaigns.

    c. Jobs plan fails in the Senate. Uh-oh.

    d. Republicans strip all but tax cuts. Obama (vetos/signs) the bill. Impact on jobs is less than minimal. Democrats are blamed for unemployment.

    e. Republicans strip all but tax cuts, add more tax cuts for the rich, and threaten to shoot a hostage if Obama does not sign the bill.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Forgive me, but what is this mysterious REVEAL? Jason has made reference to it, and said explanation was in a prior post, and that we had to google it to find it. Well, I googled and didn’t find it. So, please, for the love of God, tell me what is Jason’s REVEAL theory of Barack Obama.

    Thank you.

  8. Jason330 says:

    DD Here is the original THE REVEAL post:

    Okay. I’ve searched my soul and here is why I’m not quitting on Obama.

    I watched the election news closely. Very closely. And it always looked like Obama was fucking up. I was always biting my nails and thinking “oh fuck!” What I didn’t know was that there was a master plan underlying all the apparent miscues. The Obama team was working a very long story arc. An arc I could not see with my puny human eyes.

    So now I’m thinking, “I’ve been here before.” I’m thinking that what seems like fuck ups to me are really dots of paint on a huge canvas. When the big reveal comes it is going to be fucking straight up kicking the shit out of Republicans, holding them to a mid-term ten seat pick-up in the house and pissing in Sarah Palin’s sweet tea. (Rhetorically speaking)

    The reveal is going to be so kick ass. It is going to be like a motherfucking supernova of Democratic cosmic jujitsu. Obama will establish a Democratic majority that will last for 80 years and Obama will be regarded as a better Democratic President than Kennedy and Roosevelt put together.

    That’s what I tell myself as I rock slowly in the corner, in a puddle of urine. (Mine and Liberalgeek’s…don’t ask.)

    That’s why I’m not bailing… yet.

    That was from a long time ago in blog years.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    That was what we liked to call trickle down.

  10. skippertee says:

    The REVEAL is an expression used by MAGICIANS to denote the moment in the “TRICK” when the AUDIENCE sees that it WORKED.
    I’m STILL waiting for Obama’s REVEAL.
    God knows he’s no magician!

  11. anonone says:

    Obama can straight-faced lie with the best of them as he has shown repeatedly. He lied repeatedly to get elected as a Democrat in 2008, and he has lied repeatedly as President. No one should trust that he isn’t lying now.

  12. Mike Barbieri has already established himself as one of the best progressive legislators in Dover.

    This appointment is especially impressive b/c he is not a grandstander, but a ‘roll up the sleeves’ type.

    He is someone we at DL should continue to strongly support.

  13. Aoine says:

    Mike is the BEST!!

  14. puck says:

    Why isn’t Delaware part of this?

    The Department of Labor announced agreements on Monday to cut down on wage theft through misclassification of workers. The agreements, with the Internal Revenue Service and a number of states, allow improved information sharing and law enforcement efforts against employers who misclassify workers as independent contractors to avoid paying benefits or overtime and other pay. […]

    In 2010, the Labor Department collected nearly $4 million in back wages on behalf of about 6,500 employees who had been misclassified, a 400 percent increase over the amount collected in 2008.