Delaware Liberal

Breaking News: Pete duPont Still Alive, But Does He Have a Pulse?

Depends on what you mean by ‘pulse’.

Unless you’re a loyal reader of Celia Cohen’s Delaware Graveyard Grapevine, you may have missed the ad for the  annual Crazy Pierre Awards Ceremony. Since I read, or more accurately, absorb, the thin Greenville gruel so that you don’t have to, I’ve seen the ad. Wonder how much Pierre ponied up to pay for this:




2011 Recipient of Pete du Pont Freedom Award

Tuesday, September 20

Chase Center on the Riverfront

Reception 6:15 p.m.

Dinner 7 p.m.

For tickets:

Lest you wonder just what exactly qualifies one for this award, allow me to quote from Pierre Six-Paque himself:

“Democratic capitalism is strengthened by encouraging individual as opposed to collective choice. America has not prospered over 225 years through collective action; it has prospered because people have been allowed to seize their own slaves opportunities.”

Just allow that sentiment to sink in for a few seconds. This is what Pete duPont means by freedom.

And Chris Christie fully embraces this vision of ‘freedom’:

I am truly honored by this award, and embrace its ideals every day as I work to bring New Jersey back to its full potential as an economic and civic model for other states to emulate.” – Governor Christie

Speaking of freedom, wonder if Pete picked up Christie’s tolls, or if the New Jersey taxpayers were once again stuck with the bill.

In a symbolic embrace of ‘freedom’,  the media was barred from the event, which included a mere cameo from New Jersey’s governor, who could barely squeeze this prestigious honor into his busy schedule. I enjoyed the News-Journal story, and think that you will as well:

Event organizers, including du Pont, didn’t know why Christie was on such a tight schedule to accept an award they announced they were giving him in July.”I guess he’s in charge,” du Pont said before the event. “If we said sorry, maybe he wouldn’t have come.”

‘Freedom’ means being free to set the terms of your acceptance of the award. Or to not show up at all. After all, this ain’t the Nobels.

Perhaps Christie was afraid that he’d get cooties if seen publicly with Mike Castle, Charles Bouvier de Flandres Copeland, Greg Lavelle, and Deborah Hudson. Hard to believe that these cold-hearted ‘capitalism uber alles‘ Rethugs could damage Christie’s bona fides, but when the Tea Party is in charge, your political freedoms are somewhat circumscribed if you’re a tough-talking R.

Well, there you have it. Early nominee for next year?: Whoever gets the R Veep nod. Award ain’t prestigious enough for the would-be Prez. Celia’s ad rates might go up for that one, though.

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