El Somnambulo On Al’s Show, Thursday, Sept. 22

Filed in National by on September 21, 2011

Yes, I’m back after a brief summer sabbatical, and ready to talk about all things political and governmental. No doubt we’ll talk some Karen Weldin Stewart, some IC politics, some Rockwood (I wanna hear from all you hatahs out there),  some more reasons why Ruth Ann Minner and her cronies should face criminal charges, Crazy Uncle Pierre duPont,  and whatever else strikes Al’s fancy or my fancy. I also plan to discuss the seeming disconnect between Obama’s jobs plan and the response by our Governor.

All that, and breaking news on pro rasslin’ from the Masked Sleepwalker himself.

Thursday at 10 a.m. on WDEL-1150AM. Al Mascitti is on Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon. For people who actually like to employ their brains when listening to the radio, he’s the best thing goin’.


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  1. Jason330 says:

    Looking forward to this. I was on a listening sabbatical.

  2. think123 says:

    Off subject, but did you see the Obama as Hitler, the Nazi movie Fay V. posted over at Delaware Politics? You really should spread the word. People need to see what Tea Party Republican humor is. I said it was sick, threatened to send links to Jewish Groups in Delaware to see if they think it was funny. Now Fay V. , the one who is spreading the Obama as Hitler the Nazi movie, deletes my protest and locks me out out the site.

  3. Aoine says:

    send the link to the ADL (anti-defamation league). there is some interest there.

    actually here you go – lets all send the link:


    if you want it directly in – contact me and I will forward it to the ED for the region.

  4. Aoine says:

    Well think123 – good job – look likes Faye’s panties (garter, gridle whatever) is in a bunch – they are usually so tight Im surprised she doesnt strangle, all her brains are down there anyway.

    you finally got under her skin – KUDOS!! talk about a “bilovating jackass” – She besmirched her OWN reputation

    and for the recoed I have sent it to the ADL already, even before you posted….

  5. Aoine says:

    Fay V “And, last, its the hardline, stunted ideologue who is competely humorless.”

    Gee, has she looked at her fellow blogmates – Don Ayotte to name one??

  6. puck says:

    Maybe you could spend some more time over here, Thinky. It was painful to have to slosh through DP to read your comments anyway.

  7. Geezer says:

    “has she looked at her fellow blogmates?”

    Or in the mirror?

  8. MJ says:

    I’ve got a post up about Fay. I wonder how that lawsuit against her for fraud over the house she sold a few years back ended up.

  9. Jason330 says:

    Say it El Som! He’s giving the Elizabeth Warren quote on the radio.

  10. DEIdealist says:

    I’m a fan of Al Mascitti’s show. However, I’m a HUGE fan of Al Mascitti’s show featuring El Som!

  11. Jason330 says:

    They did a first rate job today. I also like when he has his cultural minster on. Those are consistently good shows.