Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread

Hurricane Irene’s flooding rains damaged a significant portion of the Delaware’s pumpkin crop and blew down a lot of the corn crop.

The latest Gallup/USA Today poll shows Rick Perry continuing to lead the Republican presidential field at the national level with 31% support, followed by Mitt Romney with 24%. In a one-on-one scenario, Perry would lead Romney, 49% to 39%.

In South Carolina, Perry is considered the favorite to win the state’s GOP presidential primary, but a new Winthrop poll shows the Texas governor with a narrow lead over Romney in the state, 31% to 27%.

Allahpundit thinks with the collapse of Bachmann and with Perry not running away with it, Sarah Palin has an opening.

Perry’s window to steamroll the rest of the field is now closed. If he had had two monster debate performances and widened his lead over Romney, you might see more big donors starting to shake loose and fall into his camp as the inevitable nominee. As it is, Palin must be watching his backsliding and Bachmann’s collapse and feeling more encouraged to run than ever. Still plenty of tea-party votes in play, and who knows how much of Perry’s support is owed not to his jobs record or any personal attribute but simply to him being a “true conservative” alternative to Romney.

And there is a new National Journal poll out:

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