Abby Betts Endorses Mitch Crane

Filed in National by on September 22, 2011

Via Crane’s facebook:

Mitch Crane for Delaware
I am honored to announce that Kent County Democratic Committee chair Abby Betts has endorsed my candidacy. Abby is largely responsible for the Democrats’ success in Kent County in taking majority control of county government and also electing great Democrats to the state legislature. Abby will shortly take on a campaign position.

This is interesting because an incumbent Dem can usually depend on the party Dems to close ranks.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. MJ says:

    This is huge news.

    And add in: Karen E. Peterson – State Senator, 9th District
    David Sokola – State Senator, 8th District
    Michael Barbieri – State Representative, 18th District
    John Kowalko – State Representative, 25th District
    John Workman – Former Milford City Councilman
    John Brady – 2008 Republican Candidate for Insurance Commissioner
    Trinidad Navarro – Sheriff, New Castle County
    Michael Spencer – Mayor, Newport, DE
    John Atkins – State Representative 41st District
    Jim Paoli- Past Chair, New Castle County Democratic Committee

  2. Paul says:

    It’s interesting but not at all surprising that the party leadership has abandoned Karen Weldin Stewart. Congratulations, Mitch!

  3. DE Idealist says:

    Abby is well respected, not just in Kent County, but statewide. Another big endorsement for Mitch. It’s interesting to compare his website, including the page full of endorsements against KWS’s lack of a campaign website, lack of support, and lack of…. well.

  4. JustSomeGuy says:

    Abandoned implies prior support. The Party has never supported the I.C. Neither surprising nor a loss.

  5. MJ says:

    JSG – you must have been sleeping during 2008.

  6. cassandra m says:

    The Democratic Party certainly did support the current IC to the extent they had to.

    It is also true that many in the party were clearly embarrassed by her. What is truly strange is that the IC wasn’t self aware enough to *know* this and spend the time between then and now putting that impression to rest. Doubling down on people’s impression of you isn’t the usual path to changing that impression.

  7. Geezer says:

    Cass: She is neither that self-aware, nor all that bright. That’s one reason I’m so skeptical about her alleged corruption. I really don’t think she has the brains for crime. Even if her henchmen were doing it all, she’s so clueless she’d probably blurt it out somewhere.

  8. reis says:

    Kind of agree with Geezer. The “mental state” required to commit a crime of intent requires a “mental state”.

  9. JustSomeGuy says:

    This does not seem to be on the aforementioned page, mmmmmmm

    Mitch Crane for Delaware
    I am honored to announce that Kent County Democratic Committee chair Abby Betts has endorsed my candidacy. Abby is largely responsible for the Democrats’ success in Kent County in taking majority control of county government and also electing great Democrats to the state legislature. Abby will shortly take on a campaign position.

  10. MJ says:

    Hmm, don’t know about Facebook (hell with the new format who knows what’s going on over there), but the endorsement is up on Mitch’s website.

  11. dunc says:

    @JSG: What?? You (Dems) are the ones who cast the votes for her and put her in office. And the loss is great for the coffers of DE.

    @Geezer: She’s dumb like a fox – illiterate but street savvy. That kind of criminal is hardly something new.

    Don’t underestimate greed. She planned this corruption for decades and made the connections that have been protecting her. It’s still working perfectly right under your noses and shame on all of you for not stopping it now.

    At least you have a better candidate to put up for 2012.