Crawling in the Gutter

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2011

Fay Voshell over at that right-wing “blog,” decided to post a video she found humorous. The video is a scene from some movie with Hitler in it, being briefed by his high command. But the translation is supposed to be President Obama’s staff telling him that a website set up to fight the smears of the GOP and teabaggers has failed.

Voshell did not create the video. I doubt she has the capability to even operate a Brownie 8mm camera. But she lowered herself into the gutter that has become the hallmark for teabaggers and Republicans since Obama took office – comparing him to Hitler.

She defends her use of the video by linking to two videos of Mel Brooks movies, The Producers (original 1968 version) and To Be or Not To Be. Fay, you ain’t Mel Brooks. Fay, you need to read this article which explains why Brooks does what he does with nazis.

Then when your finished with that article, Voshell, read this! And when you’re finished with that, read this!

Fay, your weak attempts to defend your posting of this highly offensive video are laughable. And your censoring of think123 for calling you out on it is equally offensive. I hope he/she follows through on his/her promise to report your post to any and all Jewish groups in Delaware and Pennsylvania. Fay, you lowered yourself into the gutter that you supposedly object to. It will take a very long ladder for you to use so you can extricate yourself from the that cesspool you’re now wallowing in.

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A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. puck says:

    I’d hate to think the Hitler parody videos are now off limits altogether. For every 1000 of them there was one good one. Unfortunately this was one of the other 999.

  2. puck says:

    think123 is one of the best writers in the Delaware blogosphere, with a genius for counter-argument against wingnut kookery. Any blog he doesn’t comment on is poorer for it.

  3. MJ says:

    It’s not that Hitler parodies are off limits (see Mel Brooks), but it’s the LaRouchian/teabagger comparison of Obama to Hitler that is wrong.

  4. puck says:

    I think every US president since George Washington has been compared to some aspect of Hitler. It is rarely even partially accurate. But I don’t think it is such a big deal. It only shows intellectual impoverishment.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    And we all know that the Tea Party more resembles the brown shirts than the Obama administration ever could…

  6. V says:

    I’m with puck on this one, remember Godwin’s law?

    also, i always thought the one where Hitler was really upset that UD Skidfest was cancelled was hilarious.

  7. puck says:

    I wonder if Hitler has been informed of R.E.M.’s breakup yet.

  8. Real American says:

    Fay is the same idiot that said Bill Colley and most if his callers are not racist, now I know why.

  9. MJ says:

    It’s laughable to see how Fay and her dwarfs are trying to defend posting this video on their “blog.”

  10. John Q. American says:

    Good grief! Such videos have been floating around since the movie was released, mocking both the bad film-making and any number of political, business, and entertainment industry figures. That you make a fuss over this one is proof of the utter vacuity of your thought process and your complete lack of a sense of humor.

  11. MJ says:

    JQA – um, I don’t think I’ve seen any other videos where a film about Adolph Hitler was lifted and then had subtitles added that compared him to the President.

    You’re as morally and intellectually bankrupt as Fay, Don, TW and the rest of the dwarfs over at

  12. John Q. American says:

    Hopefully you will approve the moderated comment with links to a multitude of other videos of the genre, mocking endless variety of folks.

    But I’m curious, MJ, were you this vehement a defender of Bush 43 when your fellow liberals compared him to Hitler by your fellow liberals? Of Dick Cheney when he was called a Nazi by folks on the Left? Or does your outrage only extend to such things — clearly intended as parody — that are directed at Obama?

  13. MJ says:

    JQA (or should we call you RWR), you obviously don’t know the definition of parody. I’ll help you – A parody (pronounced /ˈpærədi/; also called send-up, spoof or lampoon), in contemporary usage, is an imitative work created to mock, comment on, or trivialise an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation.

    This video doesn’t even come close to being a parody. But then, you teahadists wouldn’t realize that, knowing that you lack the intelligence to differentiate between something funny and something obscene, like that other “blog.”

  14. MJ says:

    Actually, there are a hell of a lot of people who found that video offensive, including the ADL. So I guess they don’t think it qualifies as parody either, using your (il)logic.

    And if you can read big words (I know that’s hard for teabaggers), read the entire article –

  15. V says:

    i’m not defending JQA, but he is right that this video clip specifically became a meme. there are hundreds of different versions of it with different subtitles (like the UD one i posted). How many of them are obama related is another story…

  16. socialistic ben says:
    More conservatives show their true colors.
    So to review.. The crowd at a GOP debate… which for the sake of blogging, we’ll assume is a fair cross section of GOP voters Boos a gay soldier… even though most of them are, like me, too chicken-shit to enlist…. they cheer at the idea of leaving their sick countrymen to die poor and alone, and they cheer the secessionist christian fundamentalist governor who gleefully executes more people than any other governor.

    And Republican David, JQA…. anyone else this applies to…. This is documented proof that the political group YOU associate with are bloodthirsty secessionist homophobes.