Why Does Rick Perry Hate America?

Filed in National by on September 22, 2011

Remember all the hey in conservative circles a certain picture of Barack Obama not having his hand over his heart during the National Anthem during the 2008 Iowa primary. It was proof, according to them, that Barack Obama was not an American, or that he hated America, or something.

So conservatives, what does this picture prove:

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  1. puck says:

    Perry doesn’t have a heart.

    And, he looks like Yosemite Sam.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Romney and Bachmann are saluting a picture of an eagle pecking at the entrails of a baby bunny.

  3. anon says:

    What’s the source of the picture?

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    The AP, who probably purchased it from Getty or another picture house. What, are you saying this is doctored? It isn’t.

  5. kavips says:

    Actually that whole thing worked for Obama. He IS president. Perry can only try to duplicate success….

    Bottom line, is Republicans can’t win. Perry will be the next Dole…. Wonder how he will try to up-Dole’s falling off a stage to gain sympathy votes?

  6. Jason330 says:

    A literal foot shooting?

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Perry was standing up to the large Chinese overlords that were in the gallery. Predictably, Romney and Bachmann were paying homage to them by covering the flag pins on their chest. Of course, they didn’t need to, the pins were made in China.

  8. Paul says:

    What this shows is the picture was snapped an instant before Perry put his hand over his chest. The footage of Obama was also supported by a video. When you watch the supporting video for Perry in esense this picture is a “fake” by intent.


  9. reis says:

    I’m suspicious of politicians who are too good looking and wear too much makeup.

  10. socialistic ben says:

    wrong paul. Rick Perry clearly doesnt respect the flag, the troops, or the sanctity of symbolism. He is a dirty communist.
    Have we even SEEN Perry’s birth certificate? how do we know he is not a secret French spy? the burden is on HIM and his supporters to prove otherwise. Until then, for the good of the nation we can only assume the worst.

  11. Jason330 says:

    Paul, Just look at Perry. If we were women we’d be all over that amiright? Does anyone doubt that he could crush a can of RC cola just by looking at it with those gorgeous eyes? Nobody in their right mind denies it. And yet, I think Liberalgeek’s explanation is a bit more credible than yours.

  12. reis says:

    Paul has a good explanation which could also be explained by Perry taking time to mentally run through his memorized cues as to which hand is on the right, “Ok, its NOT the one with the wedding ring.”

  13. socialistic ben says:

    no, i think the simpler explanation is that he is a illegal immigrant from Swaziland who had his skin bleached and hair straightened. He was educated at a radical Flying Spaghetti Minster school in Norway and taught Krav Maga by the IDF all as a part of an elaborate scheme by George Soros to take all the rum raisin ice cream from Christian people.
    we’re on to you rick!

  14. Paul says:

    No explanations just an objective observation from the video, which obviously has no point it political discussions.
    I’d focus in other places there is no way in hell that Perry is going to be the candidate. Forget the current number he’s not going to be the man.

  15. kavips says:

    Lol… in response to a literal foot shooting? (circa 2:22 pm)

    Well, with Cheney no longer hunting, he may have to do it himself…..

  16. kavips says:

    Actually I appreciate Paul’s misguided posting of the video… Watching it a second time, I noticed something quite damning. Only Mitt Romney was singing along .. all the others just had a hand over their heart…

    How can anyone not sing along with the National Anthem? All the Tea Partiers in the audience (except one who also didn’t have his hand over his pacemaker) were singing… What’s wrong with the candidates? This is an affront to all good Americans!

    How can anyone be considered an effective representative of democracy, when they don’t rise to the next level, and actually mouth the words of the Star Spangle Banner when it gets sung?

    Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Michelle Bachmann are perhaps all vying to become the next Anti-Christ.. The one portrayed as president in all the Evangelical movies portending the end of days….

    Looks like Mitt Romney is now, the only viable candidate for truth and justice.

    🙂 lol.

  17. anon says:

    LG: No, I’m not suggesting it’s faked. I’m questioning why you believe it’s OK to reproduce (read: steal) someone else’s property. Unless Delaware Liberal pays fees to the AP for the use of its content, you just committed theft.

    But since you bring it up, failing to attribute a source or provide a link certainly does raise questions about its provenance, at the very least.

  18. Jason330 says:

    AP can suck my dick. (Just kidding AP, we’re tight right? Don’t sue, it was the others, not me. )

  19. Dana Garrett says:

    The real reason Perry didn’t put his hand over his heart is because the traitor was thinking, “Texas secession, secession, secession….”

  20. MJ says:

    I never knew it was a requirement to place one’s hand over their heart during the playing of the national anthem. I have never done that, even as a kid. Then again, when singing O Canada, all we’re required to do is laugh quietly at you “real Americans.”

    NOTE: For those of you without a clue, the above comment is a joke.

  21. Republican David says:

    Perry is a veteran. According to some circles including Home for Heroes and Military.com, Vets like uniformed servicemembers do not sing during the playing of the National Anthem.

    Give them a break, I am sure DL paid the $45 or whatever to the AP. I have done it for a picture that I liked especially one of Michele Bachmann.

  22. Jason330 says:

    Thanks for that trivia Closet.

  23. liberalgeek says:

    hey Anon – why are you addressing that to me? Perhaps you meant to address the author of the post and the person who asked if you thought it was doctored. That would be Delaware Dem. And as a lawyer, he is more than capable of answering your question, which I suspect is one of fair use.

  24. John Q. American says:

    Looks to me like what many military personnel would have been taught — if in uniform, salute; stand at attention if not. And remember — Perry was a part of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets and the US Air Force, which would explain the posture.

  25. socialistic ben says:

    but perry is also an avid secessionist. It’s more likely that his hatred for flag and country outweigh any military training. Does he want to be a civilian president or the head of a Confederacy Military Junta. This person cant me trusted.

  26. John Q. American says:

    Perry is not a secessionist, “avid” or otherwise. I challenge you to find a quote in which he actually advocates for secession — should be really easy if he is an “avid secessionist”.

  27. puck says:

    JQA has a point. Perry is only a half-assed secessionist. But he does endorse nullification.

  28. John Q. American says:

    And I challenge you, puck, to come up with any quote by Perry advocating secession. You will not find one without mangling context to reverse the meaning of what Perry actually said. And i say that as someone who is not a Perry fan.

  29. puck says:

    There aren’t any good Perry quotes on secession. That is what makes him so half-assed as a secessionist.

    And yet, he is a hero to the Texas secessionists, why do you suppose that is? Perry traffics in dog whistles.

  30. MJ says:

    Actually, military protocol instructs that veterans should salute.

  31. John Q. American says:

    In other words, Puck, you have no evidence to support your claim — and you then use the lack of evidence as evidence of the very thing for you would insist is true if there were evidence. That is a rather dishonest tactic, akin to making a claim that the lack of evidence that someone beats his wife is evidence that he beats his wife.

  32. Dana Garrett says:

    John Q., someone doesn’t have to use the word “secession” to be sympathetic to the notion. They can insinuate it, suggest it. Surely, you are not going to deny that suggestions exist, are you? Here is what Perry said: “Texas is a unique place. When we came into the union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that…”

    Now let’s stop there. Why would Perry point out Texas, as a condition of statehood, could leave the union “if we decided to” unless the possibility of doing that was PROMINENT in his mind?

    Now what you would expect from someone who is coyly sympathetic to secessionism is to SUGGEST conditions under which, in this case, Texans might secede. Notice the rest of Perry’s statement to see how he does precisely that: “My hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention. We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it.” Okay that was the coy part.

    But now comes the secessionist suggestion: “But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, who knows what may come of that.”

    And there you have it. He lined up by UNMISTAKEABLE suggestion with the secessionists. By AVOWED Republican standards that should make him a traitor. But because he’s a Republican tea partier, he gets a pass. Nothing could be clearer.

  33. socialistic ben says:

    He represents those that would wage war on their fellow American in order to enforce the political system they want. An extreme minority i might add. This is political system that allows business to abuse consumers and employees. They want this conservative utopia even if it means splitting the country they claim to love so much. Rick Perry probably doesn’t want to kill people. But he IS a big enough whore slime-ball to flirt with these radicals and THAT makes him a dangerous person to occupy the office of the presidency.

  34. puck says:

    There’s another Repub debate on now. Apparently Romney just accused Perry of flipflopping. Crazy Eyes wants to close the Department of Education, build a fence along the entire border. Stream the crazy on FOXnews.