WGMD Web Site’s Psycho Rant

Filed in National by on September 23, 2011

Apparently this Bill Colley guy works for WGMD in some capacity. If that is true, they might want to install a metal detector at the door, and make sure all the kitchen knives are removed from the break room. I’ve read the work of wingnuts on the edge, but he sounds like a guy who has snapped.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. he has the 3 to 7 slot mon – fri thinks hes gods gift to radio ,he has mabey 10 listeners that call constantly. and bullies anyone that dosent share his narrow minded opinion . uaes his postioin at wgmd radio to try to make it WGOP radio . he wont set foot on the comments section of the web sight because he cant defend his opinions so he just posts tea party jibberish in his comentarys and closes the comments . hes a loud mouth coward . and has a deep fettish for christine odonnell . its kinda cute to hear him defend her . bill “bumb” colley a legend in his own mind . “look mommy i posted on bla bla. ON AIR TALK SHOW LINE 302-945-9292, or 1-800-518-9292

  2. if you think his last comentary was bad go to past ones you will see . he uses wgmd as his private platform its been close to violating FCC laws .

  3. Aoine says:

    Apart from that post of his – What I do know is:

    His tummy sticks out more than his dickey do…..

  4. WGMD sucks it. says:

    The entire WGMD staff is a bunch of right wing nuts. They aren’t journalists and the only reason they present any news is so they can hide behind it and not reveal they are really spreading propaganda. You can tell its just that cause they undermined the current administration constantly with their commentary or personal opinions in their comments section but close the replies so no one can debate. They post breaking news but they have yet to set their clock. Its been a hour off for over a year now. They don’t get any of their information like real news journalists. They either copy and paste from police reports or rely on people that snoop with ham radios to do their bidding. Next they will be taking tips from Murdoch. If you use the comments section and say something they don’t like they use their powers that be to spam your email and create a personal confrontation. Its not beyond them to post your personal info in their comments section as well. See how it says in parentheses that your required information will not be published? They publish it. They now its wrong too. All you have to do is threaten them with a fake online organization and they fix it right up.

    The engine behind the comments section also allows members to post whatever name they feel. THEY (yes all of them) have already high jacked screen names and posted ludicrous obscenities with members names. They post derogatory remarks under fictitious names and you can tell when its Coley cause its the same crap over and over that you find on twitter ad his other blogs. Coley isn’t the only one either. They all need to be shut down but unfortunately they have their dirty little hands in “things” thus blocking people interested in real news from getting involved. Gaffney or how ever the hell you spell it is a total sell out. When it best fit he was a atheist liberal, but that scene died so now he is one of Gods Crusaders for the GOP.

    In fact, the only reason they still have a website is cause more people give it hits so they can argue and flame each other. They love it, and get off on it, or they would realize how bad it looks and stop it. They cant, they will loose ratings/hits.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Oh my:

    He’s a lot like the liberal women of another generation who believed crawling into bed with exotic peoples was mission work. It wasn’t necessarily because you believed in equality; it was because it was the liberal version of White Man’s Burden. Heck, Dr. Stanley Ann Dunham traveled the globe linking up with “savages” and civilizing them in the sack! Her efforts even created a President of the United States.

  6. WGMD sucks it. says:

    Let me also add that as typical “Rethuglicans” they act like little angle’s and claim its the left or the independents that spread hate and violent messages yet I have not read a single political article published by any of the staff that was not in some sort of violent context towards the opposing party.

  7. skippertee says:

    Off topic-Thanks for giving the ZERO option on acceptable innocents being offed with STATE sanctions.
    I wouldn’t have voted before that was up.

  8. MJ says:

    Jason, you’ve just discovered the Fatman, Curley? I’ve been blogging about him for a couple of years. He’s a racist, homophobic loser. He was fired from WFBL because of his racism.

    He was Urkel’s mouthpiece during the campaign last year, hoping to land a spot as his press secretary in DC. He hates being in Delaware and Sussex County, but his lemmings, especially Ruthie in Georgetown (who always calls up to talk about her spastic colon), swallow everything he says.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    Come on! He placed quotes around the word savages, so that certainly means he’s not a racist piece of shit.

    fuck this low-life and his shitty logic.

  10. mr.bill says:

    @jason330. How did you get the link to this site show up on WGMD’s site if comments were closed? I’m sure that there are a lot of people that would like to respond to Colley, but he’s to much of a coward to respond. I’m a conservative, but his alarmist rhetoric only plays to a few followers in Sussex County. If you’re not on his “friendlies” list if you call in, you are subject to ridicule on a 4th grade level. What a tool……

  11. jason330 says:

    MJ, The “commentary” is the product of a sick, deeply troubled mind. That he has radio airtime to indulge in this kind of thing is disconcerting. I feel sorry for the people in Sussex county who subject themselves to it.

    mr. bill, I didn’t do anything other than link to it. The WGMD site must be set up to post incoming links.

  12. skeptic says:

    Colley is the model example of a right-wing conservative who never lets those pesky facts get in the way. A case in point is his continual incorrect citation of 14% or higher unemployment rate in Europe. Naturally, his lemmings will take that as fact and dutifully repeat it whenever they get the chance to make the point that no one is by God better than us here ‘mericans! All one needs to do is look at the current data (http://www.bls.gov/ilc/intl_unemployment_rates_monthly.htm) to see that some countries in Europe, such as Greece, Spain, and Ireland do in fact have very high unemployment, while many more countries are right about where the U.S. is, and others are a good bit lower. Using an average rate for the entire EU is just silly and pointless.

  13. The Straight Scoop says:

    MJ (and the rest of the Sussex contingent reading this),

    Have you guys ever considered a ban or letter-writing campaign against advertisers who air during Colley’s program? Look at the impact that had on Beck. Instead of just blogging about his vile screeds, everyone could make him go away.

  14. MJ says:

    I do not do business with anyone who advertises on his show.

  15. anon says:

    Dave Johnson~Campaign for America’s future:

    “the roots of todays toxic conservative movement is based on Ayn Rands teaching that “wealthy producers” now called “job creators” should be left alone by the guvmt, namely the rest of us. The rest of us are “freeloaders, moochers, leeches and parasites” who feed off the producers and who shouldnt be allowed to make decisions to collect taxes or regulate them, or interfere in most other ways. The Randians hate democracy and say that “collectivism” sacrifices individual rights to a majority of individuals”.

    Shouldnt we start referring to “teabaggers” as the “Randians”?

  16. Miscreant says:

    “Have you guys ever considered a ban or letter-writing campaign against advertisers who air during Colley’s program? Look at the impact that had on Beck. Instead of just blogging about his vile screeds, everyone could make him go away.

    Fuck yeah. I even posted a list of his advertisers here. Colley is too much of a coward to leave his comments open on the racist drivel he writes, so I usually hijack another thread to respond. I wish you lazy turds would frequent WGMD more often, then contact the advertisers. This asshole is despised by real conservatives.

    Get busy.

  17. skeptic says:

    I’m not so sure he is really despised by real conservatives as you suggest. In fact, I think many conservatives appreciate what he is doing in polarizing the base and stirring the pot, while they can sit on the sidelines and claim they don’t support him openly. As a resident of Sussex county, I’m really puzzled by the mentality of some of my own acquaintances who are very well educated and politically conservative to the point of backing absolute wacko candidates like Christine O’Donnell. I’m sorry, but if there ever was the left-wing equivalent of such a person, I would have to sit out on that election. I really don’t understand the complete suspension of thought and logic that it takes to support people like this.

    On the point of a boycott of advertisers, I’ve considered that what needs to be done is a full out PR campaign. Much the same way Daniel G. Anderson (also part of the CRI) has published several full-page right-wing rants in the Cape Gazette over the past two years, we would need to come together, raise the capital, and then somehow advertise the boycott. I doubt the Cape Gazette would sell you space to do this though, as they rely on advertising revenue just like WGMD, so the question becomes how to really publicize an action like this.

    Accept for the more progressive pockets like Rehoboth and the city of Lewes, Sussex county is very red, and very entrenched in the current Tea Party / Republican haze, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. In the end, I’m not so sure how much good a boycott of any kind would help, but then I read comments like the part about Dr. Stanley Ann Dunham, and think wow, this guy is really a piece of s&$t; how can we sink him?

  18. mr.bill says:

    On Colley’s show this afternoon, he claimed that his comments were sarcastic and that liberals were too stupid to understand. I’ll sign up for any effort to get this assclown off the air.

  19. I hate Coley says:

    Anyone notice that they pulled the latest article on yard waste ban? I could guarantee it was cause it made DNREC look bad, yet they allow people to make threats and very personal insults to one another as well as let that pig Coley post his propagandatery/opinion.