He Made Them an Offer They Couldn’t Refuse

Filed in National by on September 24, 2011

Former Godfather’s Pizza doughboy Herman Cain wins the Florida GOP/Teahadi straw poll.

Businessman Herman Cain won the Florida GOP presidential straw poll in a major surprise Saturday, as Republicans here delivered a rebuke to Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Cain, who delivered what delegates called a stirring speech just before the balloting, won 37 percent of the more than 2,600 votes from Republicans who came here from across the state to participate.

Perry, who had been expected to easily win the straw poll before a performance in a presidential debate Thursday that many Republicans here felt was lackluster, received 15 percent. Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who did not officially compete here and essentially ceded the contest to Perry, finished third with 14 percent.

Will wonders never cease?

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A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. anon40 says:

    Florida is a diverse state. The Jacksonville/Orlando (and to some degree Tampa) areas are RWNJ havens. The rest of the state is pretty left-leaning. Lots of snowbirds live in South Florida, but are registered to vote in PA, NJ, NY, or any other state that gets COLD in the winter. It’s also probably the most OPENLY corrupt state in the nation. Read any Carl Hiaasen novel before he sold out a few years back for an honest assessment of FL government.

  2. cycloneranger says:

    Herman Cain is the yeast in the GOP dough that rises.
    Go Bachmann!

  3. Avagadro says:

    but but but you said the Tea Partiers were all racists… how could they have voted for Herman Cain?

  4. jason330 says:

    Don’t worry Ava. If it ever looks like Cain is going to take home the prize, some birth certificate issues will arise.

  5. cassandra m says:

    Just because RWNJ may have voted for Herman Cain (and only 37% of them at that) doesn’t mean they can’t be racist. It just means they are invoking the “some of my best friends are black” rule. cf Michael Steele.

  6. jason330 says:

    Regarding the straw poll, Gingrich regrets that he didn’t pander harder:

    Newt Gingrich: I Should Have Said I’d Pick Marco Rubio As VP

    Newt Gingrich thrilled the crowd here in Orlando at the P5 straw poll by saying he wished he’d told the debate moderators on Thursday that he’d consider Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for the vice-presidential slot if he’s nominated.

    …and Perry says that Romney was the “real” loser.

    ORLANDO, FL — The official line from the Rick Perry campaign following their surprising defeat by Herman Cain at the P5 straw poll is to congratulate Cain and call out Mitt Romney (who skipped the poll, officially) for not doing better.

    But that spin can’t hide what really is a pretty epic fail for Team Perry in Florida this weekend.

    It is going to be Perry – but the demolition derby is still fun to watch.

  7. Just Say'in says:

    The talking heads at the major networks keep telling everyone its Perry and Romney yet neither have come close to winning a staw poll.

    Bachman won Iowa, Paul won California and Cain wins Florida.

    The people who pay attention to politics are voting for these people, it’s the general public who are told over and over again by the media that it’s Perry or Romney. The same people who make there choice on a TV ad.

  8. The monthly begging for Christie to run is starting again. Yeah, the GOP is really going to win next year.

  9. xstryker says:

    “The talking heads at the major networks keep telling everyone its Perry and Romney yet neither have come close to winning a straw poll.”

    Romney won the Michigan straw poll this past weekend, but that’s his original home state.

  10. jason330 says:

    The GOP primary voters are going to go for Perry. It is a done deal.