Delaware Liberal

Breaking – John Sigler Gives DE GOP Imprimatur to Sussex County Racist Gathering

Details are still emerging, but in the face of strident objections by Delaware’s remaining sane Republicans, state GOP Chairman John Sigler attended a “Take Back Our State event” hosted by the racist WGMD radio personality Bill Colley. As of now we are not sure if this “Take Back Our State event” was a full blown KKK meeting, or some subsidiary group affiliated with more mainstream Republican racists.

If it turns out to be true that Sigler shared a stage with Sussex County’s preeminent hate mongers and race baiters, the GOP Chair should face some difficult questions from the press and from Delaware’s Democratic State Party Chair.

It would seem to be incumbent on John Daniello to discern the DE GOP’s official stance on Bill Colley’s shockingly racists statements. Particularly his recent statements about the President of the United States’ mother having sex with African “savages” in order to civilize them. More as this develops.

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