Delaware Liberal

Idiot Chicken

In one of the more idiotic statements offered by a politician in some time, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue said suspend congressional elections for two years “so that Congress can focus on economic recovery and not the next election,” the Raleigh News and Observer reports.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. You want people who don’t worry about the next election.”

So, Congress has no election in 2012? What about the President? What about the Governors? Does Governor Markell get a pass? And in 2014, when presumably Congressional elections resume, you think the American people won’t hold whatever decision these cowardly Congressmen and women make against them? Especially if they betray the American people once more by slashing entitlements and favoring the rich with more tax cuts? You are one stone cold idiot, Ms. Perdue.

This country has held elections in Civil Wars, Depressions, Panics, World Wars and Cold Wars. The reason why we do so is because the schedule of elections is set in the Constitution and it would take a Constitutional Amendment to change that, a point President Roosevelt made in 1944 when it was suggested we couldn’t fight the Germans and campaign for election at the same time.

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