Archive for September, 2011

Daily Delawhere [New Feature]

Filed in National by on September 16, 2011 9 Comments
Daily Delawhere [New Feature]

Recently, an online photographer was doing this project posting a photo from every state. For the life of me, I cannot find the link to it right now. But the photographer’s photograph for Delaware was a picture of driving through a highway tunnel not unlike the Harbor tunnels in Baltimore. Now, I was born in Delaware. I have lived in Delaware most of my life. I consider myself to be a native Delawarean who has the right and privilege to look down upon the rest of the 49 states. I have traveled up and down this state, and to each corner. And I have never driven through a highway tunnel here. And that is because there is no highway tunnel in the state of Delaware. There just isn’t. Not under the C&D Canal. Not under the Delaware River and/or Bay.

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New Castle County Police Officer Stabbed to Death

Filed in National by on September 16, 2011 12 Comments

New Castle County police officer Joe Szczerba was stabbed to death in a fight with a suspect he was taking into custody early this morning, officials have told the News Journal. Officer Szczerba was responding to a call about a disorderly person in the Penn Acres neighborhood near New Castle, at the corner of East Roosevelt Avenue and Fithian Drive.

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Giving the Finger to Federal Employees

Filed in National by on September 15, 2011 3 Comments

This has been a bad year for Federal civilian employees. We’ve been blamed for the budget deficits and have become the punching bag for teabaggers near and far. Supposedly we’re the cause of everything that is wrong in Washington. So who would have thought that a bill to honor civilian employees who die in the […]

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in Open Thread by on September 15, 2011 14 Comments

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) told Fox News that Republicans face a tough choice on President Obama’s jobs bill: “If we vote for this plan, we’ll own the economy with the president, and he desperately needs someone else to blame it on. If we vote against it, he’s going to try to say Congress blocked his ability to create jobs.”

Sounds about right.

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Read The Rude Pundit

Filed in National by on September 15, 2011 6 Comments
Read The Rude Pundit

That woman standing there by that shitty house and beat-up truck on the dirt road in Mississippi leading to whatever polluting plant is behind her probably doesn’t give a goddamn about what Ben Bernanke has said at any point in his life. She probably doesn’t give a goddamn about whether or not certain kinds of income are taxed as capital gains. She more than likely gives a damn about feeding those kids. She more than likely gives a damn about keeping them and herself healthy. She more than likely wants them to have a future, probably one beyond mud and filth.

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Palin Supporters Unphased By Palin’s Adultery & Cocain Use

Filed in National by on September 15, 2011 18 Comments

It is all about context. Let’s break this down and you can see why Palin fans not only don’t mind that she did blow and black guys – but welcome the news.

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GOP Shot Callers Terrified of Perry

Filed in National by on September 15, 2011 22 Comments

If there were any lingering questions, this past week has proven that the GOP establishment is determined to bring down Rick Perry. How committed are they to Perry not being the eventual nominee? Well check this out.

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Open Source Rules for GOP Presidential Debates Fantasy League

Filed in National by on September 14, 2011 1 Comment

I don’t watch the GOP debates because I cherish the tattered remnants of my sanity. If I did watch that panderific hatefest, I’d be tempted to come up with fantasy league rules and schedule a draft. The scoring rules would go a little something like this.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 14, 2011 11 Comments

How do you steal a gasoline tanker? I know why you would. But how?

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Carper Needs Some Talking To.

Filed in National by on September 14, 2011 21 Comments

Carper is doing his best to sound like a Republican again. Tell Senator Carper to support the President and vote for the America Jobs Act today. Tell him that Democrats support creating jobs and protecting Social Security and Medicare, not sacrificing both to protect the tax cuts of the rich.

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County Tries to Sell State White Elephant

Filed in Delaware by on September 14, 2011 28 Comments

Rockwood. Yet another tony estate, built in the mid-1800’s, championed by those people more concerned about family crests than family stability, purchased by New Castle County with lotsa bucks from the state, turned into a ‘mansion and a park’ during the go-go Gordon and Freebury years, and now, and now…the County can’t afford the upkeep and wants to pawn it off on the state.

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REEL Talk Film Premiere featuring Gov. Markell at The Queen.

Filed in National by on September 14, 2011 0 Comments

A short film depicting a day in the life of Governor Jack Markell will premiere tonight at the World Cafe Live at The Queen in Wilmington. The film was produced by students participating in the Jewish Family Services of Delaware Media Matters program, a media and video production class for “at-risk” youth. The students in the program shadowed the Governor for a day this past Spring. The Governor will attend the priemere.

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Have “decent” Republicans simply quit?

Filed in National by on September 13, 2011 46 Comments

There is this person, Sarah Reidy, who is sick and sad about what the GOP has become but mostly you just hear crickets. I mean, shouldn’t someone other than a lowly Huntsman staffer speak up against the pep-rally for death and cruerlty that the GOP has become? Are the decent Republicans simply ceeding the nominating […]

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