BCBS Doesn’t Pay Income Tax?

Filed in National by on October 6, 2011

Oh the little things you learn every day. In stating that he wants state funds invested in Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Delaware to stay in Delaware when or if Blue Cross merges with the Pittsburgh-based Highmark, Attorney General Beau Biden mentioned that Delaware has exempted Blue Cross/Blue Shield from paying income taxes for 75 years because of its work.

I think that should end, don’t you?

And look at Beau Biden inserting himself all over the place on the side of the consumer and the average Delaware citizen. It almost feels like he is running for something next year, but we all know that Tom Carper is running for a third term. Right?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Oh man, don’t make me think unwholesome thoughts. But OMG!, that would be classic. I could see DE Republicans changing their registration to vote in that primary.

  2. anon says:

    “And look at Beau Biden inserting himself all over the place on the side of the consumer and the average Delaware citizen.”

    OK, I see this BCBS stuff. And he’s done some foreclosure workshops. But what else?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Jason, I was more thinking about the rumors of Carper’s health and that he would not be running in 2012. Those rumors appeared to be untrue. But Biden does appear to be really positioning himself for something….

  4. SussexAnon says:

    Positioning himself? or doing his job? Perhaps he actually believes in this stuff and feels its worth fighting for.

    Beau will eventually run for something, I am sure, but this could just be laying a foundation, not a near term campaign stunt.

  5. walt says:

    He’s still beating his bonehead against the wall for letting Coons take his father’s senate seat. And all because he was afraid of losing to Castle. Would such a loss have killed his political career? What a vain asshole. He deserves to be where he’s at. Now I’m really hoping he loses when he runs for something big, and he will.