Daily Delawhere, October 6, 2011

Filed in National by on October 6, 2011

What town is this? Acute observers will find the answer in the photo.

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  1. MJ says:

    Frankford (the name on the water tower sort of gives it away).

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Well, I told you you could find the answer in the photo.

  3. walt says:

    “The Town that Time Forgot”. Poor Frankford. The only bank in town couldn’t even make a go at it. (That was a Wilmington Trust long before they collapsed.) When they closed doors, there were no takers
    from the other banks in the area. Aside from that there is a feed mill and a seafood store on the highway. And a little restaurant that stays open for a year or so before the For Rent sign goes back up and it reopens some time later under a different name.

  4. Anon in Lewes says:

    Hell’s Half Acre aka Frankford

  5. reis says:

    Pronounced “Frankfurt”.