Scott Brown just stepped in it.

Filed in National by on October 6, 2011

So we all know that Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts posed nude in Cosmo in his youth. Last week, during a Democratic primary debate this week, Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren was asked how she paid for college. “I kept my clothes on,” Warren replied. “I borrowed money.”

This morning, on a right wing radio show, Scott Brown was asked to respond to that, and he laughed and said “Thank God.”

I don’t imagine that is going to play well with women.

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  1. Miscreant says:

    Great response from Brown.

  2. puck says:

    Great response in a bar. Not so great in a campaign.

  3. puck says:


    You do not want to ask this question in Delaware.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Scott Brown: All cock and no balls

  5. Jason330 says:

    I’m so sick of everyone talking about how hot Senator Scott Brown is/was. Why do we have to judge all men based on their abs? (Not that I mind being judged on mine…ladies)

  6. Geezer says:

    For the record, I’d rather see Elizabeth Warren naked than Scott Brown in any form.

  7. anon says:

    Jason let me play the world’s smallest violin for the suffering of men. How many times did we hear about Hillary’s ass or her ankles? Or how ugly Bella Abzug was? Or how hot Christine O’Donnell is, Hell, DWA filled its blogsite with gushings over COD’s looks.

    BTW, Scott Brown is SMOKING HOT.

  8. Geezer says:

    V: Interesting article. But it should have noted that the HCF (hot conservative female) is a relatively new phenomenon. Once upon a not so distant time, women like Barbara Mikulsky and Ruth Ann Minner were elected easily. Now we live in an age when even male politicians (Bill Frist was the first one I noticed) have been botoxed. And so the march towards idiocracy continues apace.

  9. Geezer says:

    anon: You sarcasm detector is broken.

  10. anon says:

    The thought of Scott Brown naked in Cosmo jammed my radar, Geezer.

  11. Republican David says:

    I agree it was a great response. Her campaign just ended. It would have been very poor taste if she hadn’t started that issue. The fact that she attacked in such a petty way shows what kind of politician she is. The fact that he dispensed with it with humor is far from him stepping in it. It is him stepping on her campaign and walking all over it. He just got half of the women vote. The other half wouldn’t have ever voted for him over her anyway.

  12. Jason330 says:

    “Her campaign just ended.” Also, the commenter is 100% heterosexual.

  13. anon says:

    Save it RD. Your beloved O’Donnell is the Queen of petty attacks, but when O’Donnell did it, you loved it.

  14. puck says:

    Brown needs to put his man pants on. Or any kind of pants.

  15. Jason330 says:

    LOL Puck. Very puckish.

  16. Dana says:

    Perfect response; the only way it could have been better is if it had been in a campaign debate.

    Actually, it was sort of gentlemanly; Senator Brown declined to point out that nobody would have paid Elizabeth Herring a dime to pose naked.

  17. Jason330 says:

    Wingnuts like Closet and Dana are understandably freaked out by Elizabeth Warren.

  18. MJ says:

    “Wingnuts like Closet and Dana are understandably freaked out by Elizabeth Warren.”

    I think that’s because she has bigger beitzim than they do.

  19. Joe Cass says:

    Dear David, Not even close…Her campaign just ended. It would have been very poor taste if she hadn’t started that issue. The fact that she attacked in such a petty way shows what kind of politician she is.
    It would have been very poor taste IF *SHE* hadn’t started the issue?
    So then it must be in good taste. As far as petty, have you heard what your side has been saying about Scott Brown for the last two years?
    Seriously David, you’re disappointing.

  20. Jack Daw says:

    Sh dshd t t — sh cn crtnl tk th bvs rjndr n rpl. f sh cn’t tk th ht, sh shld st t f th ktchn.

  21. Jack Daw says:

    nd tll m — wll y b pplyng ths sm stndrd t cmmnts bt Pln nd Bchmnn md b cntrbtrs nd cmmntrs t ths st? Wht bt ths md b “prfssnl jrnlsts” nd pblc ffcls? r ds yr stndrd nl ppl t lbrls?

  22. MJ says:

    Looks like we have another Texas troll on the blog. Don’t you all get tired of coming around here and showing everyone what huge assholes you are? You sound a lot like RWR.

  23. Joe Cass says:

    Easy on the slack jaw,MJ! A little learnin’ ain’t hurt no one no how

  24. Jack Daw says:

    Dn’t y gt trd f spprssng dssntrs? Wht r y s frd f, f yr ds r s sprr?

  25. Joe Cass says:

    Aren’t your ideas so 1800’s?

  26. MJ says:

    No one here is afraid of honest dissent. We just don’t want to be used by trolls like JackDaw/RWR and whatever names they use to get paid by Bretbart and his munchkins for spamming our blog.

    If you want to add to the discussion, fine. If all you’re going to do is come around here and spam us with your teabag BS, then you’ll face the consequences.