Delaware Liberal

UPDATED II: DelawareLiberal Occupy Wall Street Action MONDAY 10/10

Important Reminder:

The DL community is going to fill an SUV with donated sleeping bags and/or blankets, yoga mats and tarps* and drive up to New York where we will deliver them on behalf of everyone in Delaware who thinks that the corporate takeover of our democracy requires a response.

We’ll be picking up donated items in the following locations:

1) Think about whether you can volunteer to organize donations at one of the three pickup location on the morning of the 10th.
2) Help us find a very up to date and complete list of the occupiers genuine needs.
3) Spread the word. Twitter (the hash tag is: #DE2WallSt) , Facebook, Semiphore flags…

* As of the writing of this, these are the items that were being requested. If the needs change between now and Monday morning, we’ll update the list.

Comment Rescue:

The Occupy Delaware movement seems to be growing. They’re holding their second General Assembly meeting on 10/12 at 7PM at the UAW hall on Old Baltimore Pike in Newark. They also now have a Twitter feed (@OccupyDelaware), a Facebook page ( and a YouTube channel, which now has the videos of the first General Assembly meeting.

I’ve seen posts on Reddit about their meetings and it looks as if the Facebook page has about 300 people paying attention. Not bad considering they just started three days ago.

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