UPDATE 3: DelawareLiberal Occupy Wall Street Action MONDAY 10/10

Filed in National by on October 8, 2011

Saturday October 8th, 2011

We have our pick up times, and our donation wranglers. We have some donation lined up. We have our wheels and I have my post it note reminding me to bring my easy pass. If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the morning.

What we don’t have, is a real clear sense of how this is going to work once we get to Manhattan. In the action oriented spirit of this protest, we are still going for it – but if anybody has any first hand knowledge of what the recieving operation in OWS is like, I’d be eager to hear it.

What we still need:

1) Whatever you do, sign this petition: http://www.getmoneyout.com/ Democrats are getting a little spine because they can count.

2) More pledges of supplies. (You know you have an old coat. Bring it to one of the three collection points on Monday morning. (see below))
3) A little more press(?). I’m not sure about this. We have a call in to Al Mascitti’s show lined up, but maybe some local press would be good? Maybe not. I’m not a huge fan of any of the Delaware Newspapers.
4) There is no number four unless you think of something that we are forgetting and want to put in the comments section.


Important Reminder:

The DL community is going to fill an SUV with donated sleeping bags and/or blankets, yoga mats and tarps* and drive up to New York where we will deliver them on behalf of everyone in Delaware who thinks that the corporate takeover of our democracy requires a response.

We’ll be picking up donated items in the following locations:

  • Sussex – The Lewes Library @ 10:00am
  • Kent – Legislative Hall Main Entrance @ 11:00am, and
  • New Castle – The Shipyard Shops (the roundabout) @12:00

1) Think about whether you can volunteer to organize donations at one of the three pickup location on the morning of the 10th.
2) Help us find a very up to date and complete list of the occupiers genuine needs.
3) Spread the word. Twitter (the hash tag is: #DE2WallSt) , Facebook, Semiphore flags…

* As of the writing of this, these are the items that were being requested. If the needs change between now and Monday morning, we’ll update the list.

Comment Rescue:

The Occupy Delaware movement seems to be growing. They’re holding their second General Assembly meeting on 10/12 at 7PM at the UAW hall on Old Baltimore Pike in Newark. They also now have a Twitter feed (@OccupyDelaware), a Facebook page (facebook.com/occupyDE) and a YouTube channel, which now has the videos of the first General Assembly meeting.

I’ve seen posts on Reddit about their meetings and it looks as if the Facebook page has about 300 people paying attention. Not bad considering they just started three days ago.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. fightingbluehen says:

    It just seems hypocritical to own shares of these companies that are being protested while simultaneously protesting them.
    It’s like Dick Cheney going to a peace march.

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    It would be like me telling my son not to fart in mixed company.

  3. Blu Gal in DE says:

    I can man the Shipyard location for drop offs between say 11am and 11:45. Have a meeting downtown at noon, so would have to leave before you pick up. I’ll also be bringing stuff to donate. Looks like from their list they also need non-perishable food. Was thinking I’d go to BJs and pick up some granola bars, etc. They have tarps, too.

  4. lateeda says:

    Will you do this for the Occupy Delaware movement. Seems weird to send stuff to NYC, when its needed right here.

  5. jason330 says:

    Yes. The wheels started turning on this NYC trip before there was an Occupy Delaware.


    ojmo on October 5, 2011 at 10:26 am said:
    Can we bring stuff directly to the Park? I’ve got some blankets. clothing. etc.

    Reply ↓

    OWS Worker
    on October 5, 2011 at 11:10 pm said:
    Yes you can! Definitely come, we love meeting the donors and we need blankets!

    Thank you!

  6. lateeda says:

    No, no. You were told there was going to be a Occupy Delaware which you all tried to ignore. The wheels started turning at DL about 2 wks after the occupy movement began. Before that you didnt even comment at all.

  7. jason330 says:

    Whatever.. Where should I bring donations? Is there a “Occupy Delaware” that is not a web site? Don’t be so stingy with the info.

  8. Dana Garrett says:

    I am very involved in the Occupy Delaware movement–it’s formation, etc.–and I think that DL’s taking those necessities for an occupation at Wall Street is a great idea.

    We will have information about our official website shortly.

  9. cassandra m says:

    I was around the Occupy Wall Street event today and nypd was seriously restricting car traffic to the area. But this was in other parks too. Definitely try to have your car game plan down. I doubt they’ll still be restricting cars on Monday tho.

    I have blankets and gloves and some other small supplies to donate.

  10. jason330 says:

    Cool. Thanks for the info and the pledge of donations. There seems to some receiving at Broadway and Liberty St. If we can’t get that close Fulton st is a kind of fallback. I’ll be trying to get firm info between now and probably 4:00 on Monday, so if anyone knows anyone…

  11. Occupy DE says:

    And by the way; the official (from the FB group who is facilitating the Wed. meeting at the UAW Hall) website splash page is up. At this point it will just redirect you to the FB page, but more content (and no corporate advertising) will be added as quickly as possible. This site is being developed within the parameters of the OWS and Occupy Together organizations.


  12. donviti says:

    Is it too late to drop off a case of beans? I’ll put my name and address for any of the folks up there that will no doubt want to thank me for supporting the cause.

  13. anon says:

    Jason: Why dont you attend the meeting this Wednesday at 7:00 at the UAW Hall, 698 Old Baltimore Pike? The General Assembly will meet and make decisions together as to date, time and place.