Delaware Liberal

In Search of “Delaware Style” Clam Chowder

There is not such thing as Delaware Style clam chowder. That’s the point. There should be. Delaware needs a cultural identity beyond being the “Usury State.” (Thanks Carper, you f*cker!)

With our proximity to New Jersey, we are in danger of being culturally dominated by hair gel abusing douche-bags. Also, did you know what visitors to this state are greeted with when they stop at the new I-95 rest area? Crabs. Crabs! Like we are some kind of ersatz Maryland. Fuck that!

To get the ball rolling, here are some things we need to have our own cultural identity. Please feel free to add to this list and make suggestions as to what the “Delaware Style” thing should be:

-Delaware Clam Chowder
-A hat style associated with Delaware
-A uniquely Delawarean dance
-A Delaware-wide agreed upon quirky pronunciation of the word “Wilmington”

On a personal note, I’d urge my fellow Delawareans to adopt a the crocheted hat with Abe Lincoln Beard for the Delaware children’s hat, and the porkpie hat for the Delaware adult’s hat.

Some people think that the porkpie is the fedora, but those people are ignorant losers.

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