Lavelle for Senate?

Filed in National by on October 15, 2011

When I first read the headline of Dialogue Delaware’s recent story about Minority Leader Greg Lavelle’s predicament, “Lavelle Mulling Senate Bid,” I was confused. I thought for a brief moment the Republican Party had actually done something right and Lavelle was actually considering challenging Tom Carper. Alas, the News Journal blog post was about what we already knew: Lavelle is thinking about challenging Dr. Michael Katz in the 4th Senate District, because he has been redistricted into his Republican colleague Deborah Hudson’s 12th Representative District.

The news here is not that he is thinking about running for the State Senate, but that he has not already decided to do it. It is the obvious move. He says he is not challenging Hudson in a primary, nor should he, as that would not make sense. Because the obvious move is to run for the Senate in a new 4th District that was purposefully and stupidly made more Republican by an evil vengeful asshole named Tony DeLuca, whose own retirement from public life is hopefully in the near future.

But why is he playing it like is still trying to decide what to do? He can’t be really undecided, because unless he is going to retire or unless he is running against Carper, or for Governor, he is obviously running against Katz.

Insane and often times unwarranted bravado is key feature of any modern day Republican. So is Lavelle contemplating suicide runs against either Markell or Carper?

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  1. jason330 says:

    There is an opening for a Republican to challenge Carper with a populist, “the financial sector is out of control and Carper is their henchman” message. There would be a big crossover vote in that situation. Could Greg Lavelle deliver that message credibly? I doubt it.

  2. cassandra m says:

    Maybe he is just waiting to see how many Indulgences he can put up for sale…..

  3. He gets an article each for ‘mulling’, ‘cogitating’, ‘nearing a decision’, ‘announcing that he will announce his intentions’, and finally, ‘announcing’.

    Nowhere will the News-Journal mention his support for pedophile priests and denying justice to their victims.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Delawares Republicans in Sussex and Kent counties have not learned thier lesson yet, it they ever will. They will push for anothe Mad Bagger and probably get it too. Carper will remain safe and all too eternal.Remember Bagger Bretheren, you can never be too conservative.

  5. anon2 says:

    Lavelle has a major problem within the Delaware GOP, he isn’t bat shit crazy.

  6. Aoine says:

    Kovach has the same problem…

    cant play both sides boys……..

  7. Jason330 says:

    Interesting poll numbers:

    Tom Carper will face…

    * a primary opponent.
    00% of all votes

    * a legitimate GOP challenger
    3% of all votes

    * a Teabagy GOP challenger
    56% of all votes

    * none of the above
    42% of all votes

    1 whole person thinks that the GOP is going to put up a legitimate challenger.

  8. puck says:

    “the financial sector is out of control and Carper is their henchman” message. There would be a big crossover vote in that situation. ”

    True but such a candidate would have to cut ties with the national GOP and the bank-based Delaware GOP funding sources.

    There has always been an opening for the teabaggers to turn their “Don’t tread on me” wrath onto corporations. But that isn’t in their charter.

  9. Jason330 says:

    For someone to challenge Carper, they’d need the courage to be on the side of the 75% of Delawareans who think that banking deregulation isn’t helping. You don’t see that kind of courage on either side of the aisle.