Delaware Liberal

My Beer History – FWIW

High School – I drank whatever beer someone handed to me as I stood shivering in the woods somewhere. Probably Bud.

College – What ever was cheapest. Usually Busch. Many 12 packs were consumed over card games on our end of Prospect Ave.

Recent College Grad (early work years) – Seriously, whatever was absolutely the cheapest. More than my fair share of Milwaukee’s Best. A six pack was $2.99 at the little market on the corner.

Middle Work Years/Early Married Years – Graduated to imports. Heineken, Becks, Stella, Corona, Bass. This was before the micro-brew thing took off, but still – the world was my beer oyster.

More recently – I’m not feeling the micro-brew think like many of the cohorts of my beer drinking generation. Neither do I feel like I have anything to prove to anyone with my beer choices. Miller High Life, Corona, Becks. I’ll even have a cider once in a while.

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