Delaware Liberal

Dude, If I weren’t running for President, there’d be illegals all up in this ….

The greatest scandal in Washington is when you accidentally speak the truth. Last night Mitt Romney admitted that, but for his running for office, he’d take full advantage of undocumented workers. It was something he has done before when he wasn’t running for office, and it is an issue he would not care about if he were not running for office. Because, hey, undocumented workers are cheap labor, and what good businessman doesn’t love cheap labor. So telling that truth is a gaffe.

It is also a gaffe in another respect which speaks directly as to why Mitt Romney is stuck at 20% in all primary polls: Romney cares more about his political ambitions than his principles.

It is why he has taken every position on every issue known to man. It is why Rush Limbaugh says he is not a conservative. It is why the teabagging base of the GOP hates him. And it is why he will not be the nominee of the Republican Party.

Rick Perry did better last night, and with a few more performances like that, he will regain his polling standing as the conservatives deflect from Cain.

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