Wednesday Open Thread [10.19.11]

Filed in National by on October 19, 2011

A new NBC News-Marist poll in South Carolina finds Herman Cain leading Mitt Romney among likely primary voters, 30% to 26%, followed by Rick Perry at 9%, Newt Gingrich at 6% and Reps. Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul at 5% each. The same polling outfit in Florida shows Herman Cain edging Mitt Romney among likely primary voters, 32% to 31%, followed by Rick Perry at 8% and Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are at 6%.

I am still convinced Cain is a proxy for skeptical Perry voters will flock back to him at some point.

But then again, look at this Washington-Post Pew Research Center word association poll, and see what top three words come to the mind of the Republican primary voter with respect to the top three candidates:

Herman Cain: “999,” “Businessman,” “Good,”
Rick Perry: “Texas,” “Conservative,” “No”
Mitt Romney: “Mormon,” “Romneycare,” “Politician”

A new National Journal poll finds 59% of Americans either “completely agree or mostly agree” with the Occupy Wall Street protesters, while 31% mostly disagree or completely disagree.

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  1. cassandra m says:

    The best graph you’ll ever see on the changes in average household tax liability if the 9.99 (always free delivery!) Plan is implemented.

  2. Auntie Dem says:

    Republicans seem to vote based on tax policy. Except, presidents don’t have much say over tax policy — ya gotta go to the House for that. Did Republicans all sleep through civics class?

  3. puck says:

    presidents don’t have much say over tax policy

    President Obama is single-handedly responsible for the fact that the current top marginal rate is 36% rather than 39%; that the capital gains tax is 15% rather than 20%; and that the dividend tax is 15% rather than 39%.

  4. think123 says:

    Open thread comment. RE: Dover Councilman David Anderson versus the Jewish Defense League.

    Looks like the JDL is not letting go on Councilman Anderson’s staunch defense of his Hitler movie. I got a copy of a second letter SDL Regional Director Barry Morrison sent today to Councilman Anderson complaining about invoking memories of the holocaust and Hitler. Next step might be a JDL protest group coming to Dover.

    Anderson is clinging to the wonderfulness of First Amendment free speech, but he never mentions erasing my comments critical of what they are doing, nor does he address the matter of good taste and elected officials.

  5. pandora says:

    Oh my. Thanks for the update, think123.

  6. puck says:

    Rick Perry wants to cut Warren Buffet’s tax to 0%.

    Now Republicans have a contest between a Flat Taxer, a Fair Taxer, and… and… whatever Mitt Romney is. “Whatever” seems like the best choice at this point.

  7. MJ says:

    Think123 – it’s the ADL, not the JDL. Two very different groups. The Jewish Defense League (JDL) was a militant, right-wing group.

  8. Damn you Cassandra!

  9. think123 says:

    Ouch babe! ADL it is. Thanks MJ.

  10. MJ says:

    “Sorry, the page you requested either doesn’t exist or isn’t available right now!” What was your link, Cass?

  11. A plan similar to Jack Markell’s plan to eliminate cash assistance is being implemented in Michigan.

    “The goal of ending cash assistance, state officials said, is to encourage people receiving cash assistance to get jobs and prevent dependence on government.”,-600-Muskegon-Families-Will-be-Encouraged-to-Go-Homeless?via=sidebyuserrec