Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread [10.19.11]

A new NBC News-Marist poll in South Carolina finds Herman Cain leading Mitt Romney among likely primary voters, 30% to 26%, followed by Rick Perry at 9%, Newt Gingrich at 6% and Reps. Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul at 5% each. The same polling outfit in Florida shows Herman Cain edging Mitt Romney among likely primary voters, 32% to 31%, followed by Rick Perry at 8% and Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are at 6%.

I am still convinced Cain is a proxy for skeptical Perry voters will flock back to him at some point.

But then again, look at this Washington-Post Pew Research Center word association poll, and see what top three words come to the mind of the Republican primary voter with respect to the top three candidates:

Herman Cain: “999,” “Businessman,” “Good,”
Rick Perry: “Texas,” “Conservative,” “No”
Mitt Romney: “Mormon,” “Romneycare,” “Politician”

A new National Journal poll finds 59% of Americans either “completely agree or mostly agree” with the Occupy Wall Street protesters, while 31% mostly disagree or completely disagree.

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