Thursday Daily Delawhere [10.20.11]

Filed in National by on October 20, 2011

From what location is this picture of the Chester-Marcus Hook refinery skyline and the Philadelphia skyline taken?

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  1. puck says:

    I’ve never been to the shoreline there but from the view I’d say Fox Point State Park.

  2. skippertee says:

    Puck, you should go there. The ship channel runs so close to the shore at Fox Point you can hit ’em with a rock!

  3. puck says:

    I used to live in the area, right around the time the park was opened. As I recall they had to cap off and seal a giant mound of dioxin or something before they could let people on it. It’s also a stone’s throw from the Dupont Edgemoor plant.

  4. JustSomeGuy says:

    Better living through Chemistry…. or so they told me when i was just youngin’ 🙂

  5. skippertee says:

    I helped install a 20″ pipeline to connect to the GAS-TURBINES at Delmarva through there. There was definitely some STRANGE soil.

  6. Another Mike says:

    From the state website: “Past dumping practices at Fox Point had contaminated the soil at the site.These practices included the disposal of industrial waste and the application of sewage sludge.”

    I think the state had to be sued to disclose the exact nature of the industrial waste. I live close by, and most days the place looks deserted. It’s a nice piece of land with lots of potential, but so far has not lived up to it.