Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread [10.25.11]

President Obama: “These president years are dog years… I may be gray, but I’m not tired. My passion is still there. My vision for this country is still there.”

Rick Perry’s presidential campaign called on Mitt Romney “to make public his tax returns today, something Romney has steadily refused to do,” Politico reports. On CNBC earlier today, Perry raised the stakes and called Romney a “fat cat.”

It seems that Perry has decided to destroy Romney, because if he can’t make the conservatives fall in love with him, he will make sure he is just the last man standing. GOP media strategist Alex Castellanos, quoted by Politico on Perry’s coming attacks against the Mitster, says “Perry won’t just go negative. He’ll make your television bleed and beg for mercy.”

A new New York Times/CBS News poll finds Herman Cain leading Mitt Romney nationally among Republicans, 25% to 21%, with Newt Gingrich at 10%, Ron Paul at 8% and Rick Perry at 6%. However, of those likely Republican primary voters who expressed a choice in the election matchup, 80% said they had not fully made up their mind. So if Perry can destroy Mitt, and if Cain keeps making smoking commercials, then Perry is going to be the only one left standing.

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