Tuesday Open Thread [10.25.11]

Filed in National by on October 25, 2011

President Obama: “These president years are dog years… I may be gray, but I’m not tired. My passion is still there. My vision for this country is still there.”

Rick Perry’s presidential campaign called on Mitt Romney “to make public his tax returns today, something Romney has steadily refused to do,” Politico reports. On CNBC earlier today, Perry raised the stakes and called Romney a “fat cat.”

It seems that Perry has decided to destroy Romney, because if he can’t make the conservatives fall in love with him, he will make sure he is just the last man standing. GOP media strategist Alex Castellanos, quoted by Politico on Perry’s coming attacks against the Mitster, says “Perry won’t just go negative. He’ll make your television bleed and beg for mercy.”

A new New York Times/CBS News poll finds Herman Cain leading Mitt Romney nationally among Republicans, 25% to 21%, with Newt Gingrich at 10%, Ron Paul at 8% and Rick Perry at 6%. However, of those likely Republican primary voters who expressed a choice in the election matchup, 80% said they had not fully made up their mind. So if Perry can destroy Mitt, and if Cain keeps making smoking commercials, then Perry is going to be the only one left standing.

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  1. puck says:

    Perry is now demanding Mitt Romney’s tax returns. I’m not sure why Perry is in such a hurry to demonstrate that his flat tax will result in no tax for the wealthiest 1%’ers like Mitt Romney (as will all GOP tax plans).

    But I did hear of one other reason why Mitt’s tax returns might be so interesting: because they will reveal how much Romney donates to the LDS Church.

  2. MJ says:

    Puck, you don’t have to itemize your charitable deductions, so I doubt that we’d find out how much he donates to the LDS.

  3. anon says:

    Hermincane is going to have a private “Lincoln Douglas style debate” with Newty-G. I hope that means that both will be given four hours to discuss the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

  4. cassandra m says:

    It’s 59 days til Festivus and today’s grievance is that apparently the Republican Presidential Death Race 2012 is alarming even Pat Robertson. Seriously — when Pat Robertson thinks the GOP base is too extreme, either the GOP has a real problem or Pat is now palming his meds.

  5. Perry’s new tax plan sounds like a really elaborate way to give rich people a big tax cut, without saying you’re raising taxes on the poor. Cain will probably be the big winner in the Perry-Romney battle because Cain has likability going for him. If Perry is able to destroy Romney’s electability in the minds of GOP voters, Romney is sunk.

  6. puck says:

    All Republican tax plans cut taxes on capital gains and dividends to zero.

    No flat tax plan in existence is truly flat as long as it applies only to wages. The GOP candidates are counting on voters not understanding this.

  7. anon says:

    The GOP candidates are counting on voters not understanding the tax treatment of non-pay earnings and if history is any guide, they are making a pretty safe bet.

    The media is clearly not in the business of explaining this sort of thing.

  8. Heck, the media doesn’t even seem to understand tax brackets, much less something more complicated like deductions.

  9. Aoine says:

    UNMMMM – Christine O’Donnell is suing Jonathan Moesely

    too funny:


    filed in NCC Court of Common Pleas – 18-OCT-2011 – declatory judgement – non-jury trial

    Maybe one of the attorneys in here can explain this to the rest of the readership – I am precluded from doing so…

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    Well Moseley is still defending O’Donnell as usual over at DP.

  11. Geezer says:

    Not since Dave Jones spilled the beans (without using names) on the COD thread, he hasn’t. But I bet you’re right. He’ll be doin’ some ‘splainin’ over there soon.

    What is it with GOPers and their kinky relationships? She’s gotta be cruel to be kind, eh, Jon?

  12. Aoine says:

    @Geezer – Well Dave Jones’ story on how he found out holds no water:
    “A bored reporter saw her name in the courthouse and knew she did something in politics and called another reporter friend who then called me to whom I replied this was all news to me.”

    Odd thing about Delaware – All attorneys are required to Electronically file their cases in Delaware. The case was e-filed on Oct 18th and depending on when the clerk got it, accepted. Probably within 48 hours or so, provided the complaint and summons and PRAECIPE were all in order. can never spell PRAECIPE.

    anyhow, it went right from being accepted by the court to sent out via certified mail from the attorney’s office as they are responsible for the service. So, at this point all it is is a filing inside a CCP civil clerks computer. and on the docket – no dat for court nothing that would make it visible to some reporter.

    There is no way in hell,a bored reporter sitting in NCC CCP could have “seen her name” not like that, not with in 48-72 hours of the case being filed. Oh NO – No way sorry,, that dog dont hunt….

    Service may not even been perfected yet! today is the 25th, summons was sent by certified mail on Oct 18th, 2011 and there was a weekend in between where business and signatures are not available.and the clerk just signed the summons on the 21st.

    hmmmmm – looks like someone was leaking info and it wasn;t the courts….
    HMMMM – O’Donnell up to her dirty tricks as usual – gee, some of us know HOW the courts actually work…..
    and unless Moseley is an electronic filer here in DE, he would not know that fast either.

  13. ldl says:

    Just curious on anyone’s take on the Stoltz project vote last night. Any surprises, etc?

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    The vote passed 7-6. Kovach was the deciding vote. But the outcome was not surprising, to me at least.