And if I prove by IP address that JSG and myself are not the same person, and that I was driving to work on I-95 when he posted the comment, would you still call sheninangans, because, just like Rick Perry, you think its fun?
Most of these are not that hard if you are Delaware-raised. I can usually narrow it down enough to find an exact identification via Google in a minute or so. That takes the fun out of it though, so I usually don’t participate if I find it that way.
Sheraton foreground WSFS background:)
JSG wins again.
more like “just some DD sock puppet” 🙂
LOL. No, he is not. It would be rather pointless for me to create a contest every morning if I just solved it myself. I could sleep in.
good as that point may be, and despite my total lack of foundation or proof, i call shenanegans
And if I prove by IP address that JSG and myself are not the same person, and that I was driving to work on I-95 when he posted the comment, would you still call sheninangans, because, just like Rick Perry, you think its fun?
fun AND american
Most of these are not that hard if you are Delaware-raised. I can usually narrow it down enough to find an exact identification via Google in a minute or so. That takes the fun out of it though, so I usually don’t participate if I find it that way.
I don’t always win. I don’t look anything up I either know it or I don’t. Word puzzle I was born in a hospital that was imploded in the 80’s. it was?
JSG: Wilmington Memorial