Thursday Open Thread [10.27.11]
The Wall Street Journal reports the U.S. economy grew at an inflation-adjusted annual rate of 2.5% last quarter, the strongest performance in a year. So the trend line is all up, from .5 in the 1Q, to 1.3% in the 2Q to 2.5% now.
European leaders have reached a “three-pronged” agreement to solve the region’s massive debt crisis, the BBC reports. This too will both boost the market and calm fears that a collapse in Europe would have led to a collapse here.
If the economy is improving, what is the GOP Plan B? The only way they can win in 2012 is on economic frustration. If they lose that, we might be looking at a blowout.
Chelsea Clinton for Congress? Maybe not yet.
New CNN poll shows Romney ahead of Cain in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida. Is Cain over?
My prediction… we are lookin at another possible 68 with Romney playing the part of Nixon. If OWS really gains momentum, he will run on a “return to order” platform. Fox news will paint the “liberal populace” as out of control…. they will also sacrifice the TeaParty as other radicals. Romney will be the bland nothing who rejects what “both sides do” the poor, the young, and hispanics are the target villains in all this and large sections of Jesuserica will pull the lever to “put them back in their place”.
Yeah, I see it more like a 1996 at this point.
John Watson let go at WILM.
Not that we didn’t know this was coming — no disrespect to John….
And there’s another GOP clown for the Presidential Clown Car — Quran-burning Pastor Terry Jones.
Too bad he wasn’t a feature in the debate-o-rama.