Delaware Liberal

The News Journal Notices The Shallow Bench

Today’s News Journal features a long article on the mess that is the Delaware GOP. Basically, the downstate Repuboicans still hate the Greenville Republicans and they are not holding hands and singing Kumbayah yet. The GOP is terrified that Christine O’Donnell will run again and terrified to anger her supporters. They can’t even get it together enough to get a candidate for a winnable race like Insurance Commissioner. Here’s a preview:

“I believe Greenville sooner or later has to wake up to the fact that what they want always loses,” said Rich Collins, a conservative Republican from Millsboro. “Until they do that, they will always lose.”

Recruiting candidates for statewide offices for 2012 has proved to be a tough sell because of the fear of another divisive primary.

“I think what people are worried about is, will we have the disaster at the top of the ticket as we had last time?” said House Minority Leader Greg Lavelle, the state party vice chairman. “Otherwise, you could be talking to Speaker Lavelle.”

As if! Regular readers of Delaware Liberal find this as no surprise. Unsurprisingly, the new GOP officials like John Sigler play down the rift:

“The rift isn’t quite as deep as people think it is and perhaps how deep some would like it to be,” Sigler said. “What I’m finding is there is unity in the Republican Party, that it’s time to end one-party rule.”

Definitely worth a read. Read it and come back and tell us what you think.

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