Delaware Liberal

This Is Not The Way To Discipline Your Child

Leave it up to the good people of Texas to show us how not to act.

The 23-year-old daughter of a Texas family law judge says that she feels some regret about posting online video of her father violently beating her with a belt several years ago but that she hopes it forces him to get help.

The clip posted last week on YouTube shows Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams lashing his then-teenage daughter 17 times on the legs.

What Judge Adams needs is a really good taste of his own medicine.

WARNING: The video is extremely disturbing to watch.


Now I was spanked when I was a kid, but I was not beaten like this madman beats his daughter. Yeah, the teahadis are going to start screaming that a parent has the right to discipline their children as they see fit. Discipline is one thing; beating your child like this asshat did is unforgivable.

There are already two Facebook pages up calling for his prosecution and urging his re-election defeat in 3 years.

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