Delaware Liberal

Bullying Okay If Done In The Name Of God

One only has to venture over to a Conservative blog to understand that if these people ever got their way they’d burn the rest of us at the stake.  But until that day arrives they’re content to let children be bullied in the name of their morality and their god.

The [Michigan pro-bullying] bill lays out what exactly constitutes bullying, but in one key part it says that the legislation does not prohibit First Amendment rights, and “does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil’s parent or guardian.”

The Detroit News reports that Senate Dems tried to add language that would specifically prohibit bullying on the basis of race, gender, sexual preference, etc., but were unsuccessful.

“I am ashamed that this could be Michigan’s bill on anti-bullying when in fact it is a ‘bullying is OK in Michigan law,’” Kevin Eppling, the father of the bill’s namesake, said in a letter.

Wow!  It even gives adults (teachers, administrators, school volunteers, parents) the power to bully kids.  So if the child is of a different religion?  Say whatever you want… as long as your sincere.  Different race?  Well, if you sincerely believe that his/her race is inferior… have at it.  Gay?  Feel free to point out their sinful ways.  Think boys are better than girls (or vice versa)?  Just keep sincerely pointing this out.

Michigan hasn’t written an anti-bullying law.  It’s written a “How To Bully” handbook.

Wonder how long these guys/gal would support their pro-bullying stance if an atheist/Muslim/Jewish student started sincerely stating their beliefs to little Christian ears?

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