Delaware Liberal

John Carney Capitulates On His Democratic Principles, If He Ever Had Any

John Carney, ladies and gentlemen, YOUR Democratic Congressman. You know what John Carney did yesterday? He literally signed away the principles upon which the Democratic Party has been built. Principles that have served working families, the poor, the elderly, and the middle class for over 80 years.

How did he do this? He signed a letter along with 60 Democrats and 40 Republicans to the so-called bipartisan ‘Super Committee’. A letter that once again makes deficit reduction the number one governmental priority, and apparently bipartisanship the number one-A priority, at a time when people have lost their jobs, their homes, are seeing services slashed, and are losing all hope. Read the article and try to wrap your collective heads around the fact that John Carney signed it. Oh, and here’s the letter that John Carney signed. (Warning PDF).

Got that? “…(A)ll options for mandatory and discretionary spending and revenues must be on the table.” Translation: “If you would prettyprettyplease consider some modest tax increases, we’re willing to sell Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, infrastructure spending, you name it, dear ‘bipartisan Rethuglicans’, down the river.” By the way, as soon as the letter was made public, Grover Norquist made clear that tax increases are off the table. How does your ‘bipartisanship’ work for you now, John?

Also: “We understand from other bipartisan frameworks (the Catfood Commission) that a target of some $4 trillion in deficit reduction necessary to stabilize our debt…”. Because, you know, doing things like increasing government spending for creating jobs, building our infrastructure, and protecting those who have fallen through the social safety net never works. Except, of course, during the New Deal when a real Democratic president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn’t give two shits about bipartisanship’, and brought us out of the Great Depression. At a time when government spending is desperately needed to throw our middle- and working-classes a lifeline, Carper’s green eyeshade guy John Carney believes that cutting the deficit by $4 trillion is the most important thing government can do.

And John Carney believes that ‘bipartisanship’ is so important that he’ll head right down what even Barack Obama has finally and apparently realized is a dead end.

John, at what point do you realize that you can’t negotiate with terrorists? The Rethugs’ strategy is out there for everybody to see: Screw the economy, let the rich vacuum up any and all remaining wealth in this country, and then blame it on the Democrats. To the extent that there are bipartisan Republicans in Congress, and I doubt that they number in double digits, they’re not calling the shots. Do you really intend to go to the J-J Dinner next week and tell people that you’re fighting for working families. Because, if you do, that would be a lie, a big fat bald-faced lie.

Your actions effectively help sabotage efforts by real Democrats who are trying to help those who need help and trying to help balance the scales between the haves and the have-nots. What you do here is give aid and comfort to the enemy while denying hope to those who are fast losing hope.

This is precisely what we don’t need and can’t have out of a supposed Democratic Congressman. We’ve been stuck with Tom Carper in elective office for almost 30 years now. You’ve been in Congress for less than 2. We can’t afford any more Tom Carper acolytes in Congress, and that means you, if you don’t heed this message. By your actions here, you have effectively proclaimed that you couldn’t care less about the base of the Democratic Party and you couldn’t care less about those most in need of governmental action. You’ve effectively proven that whenever you bring up the working class roots of Ashbourne Hills, from whence you came, you state it as someone who is relieved that he doesn’t have to go back. Maybe you should go back, just to find out how high ‘bipartisanship’ and cutting ‘4 trillion’ from the Federal deficit are valued by people who are trying to care for their families in these terrible times. They’re not valued at all, BTW.

Look, we all know here that Carper is hopeless, a totally-owned subsidiary of those who shovel corporate cash into his campaign coffers. So far, all you’ve proven is that you have a tin ear and a canine-like devotion to Delaware’s Only Elected Robot. It’s not too late, but it’s getting there. Either participate in Congress as a REAL Democrat or get the hell out of the way.

On a related note, from John Carney’s office:

U.S. Rep. Carney Reminds Delawareans of First Nationwide Test of Emergency Alert System

John, for you, and for us, this isn’t a test, it’s a real emergency. Look in the mirror. If you see a reflection, ask yourself what you really hope to accomplish as a Congressman. If you can’t honestly say that you wish to represent the principles of your party, either change your registration or step aside for someone who will represent the heart and soul of Delaware. Because, right now, you’re not representing us.

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